Chapter 64

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CH-12 Part 2

At that moment, Xie Yi also thought that there would be a miracle, and she would recognize people other than her parents and Xie Minghao.

However, Shuqing just tilted his head to look at him, and then smiled.

“Shuqing, go with your mother quickly, the doctor is still waiting.” Aunt Ren coaxed her away.

Xie Yi knows that in the past, Shuqing has been taking care of his father’s business in the Shen family’s Hairun, so  must have had a lot of contact with Li Zeliang. It was written that Haru was born when his father died, but no one has a definite answer to what exactly. Ming Hao said that it may have been caused by her father’s death hitting her too hard.

“It’s Shen Shuqing.” Xie Yi said.
She doesn’t know why, it’s Li Ze Liang’s imperceptible eyes, it’s a simple pause in Shu Qing, which makes Xie Yi feel as if Li Ze Liang knows the cause of Shu Qing.
So, Xie Yi deliberately said: “It seems that Shuqing has a good impression of you, and she has never looked at me squarely for so long.”

Li Ze Liang sneered coldly: “Who does she have a good impression of. I’m not interested.”


This is his usual cold-field style. If you want to know something. It is simply more difficult to get it out of Li Ze Liang’s mouth than to ascend to the sky.

When Shuqing saw the disease and walked out of the hospital, Xie Yi couldn’t help but let Aunt Ren and Zhi Qing wait for her for a few minutes.. She got on the elevator and found the nurse pushing the wheelchair for Li Ze Liang at the nurse’s station and asked his attending doctor.

The nurse said, “Mr.Li’s attending doctor is Dr.Ho.”

She followed the nurse’s instructions to find Dr. Ho in the office at the end of the corridor when she found them seen last time, she kicked and injured Li Ze Liang , the doctor who came late at night was Dr.Ho.

“The effect of his amputation is not very good, especially recently the stump is so swollen that the prosthesis can hardly be put on.” Dr.Ho explained.

“Swollen Stump?” She doesn’t quite understand.

“After amputation, the limb muscles begin to atrophy rapidly, and after the sharp decline in function, it directly affects the return of blood and lymph.”
Dr.Ho clenched the fist of his right hand and made a squeeze gesture with his left hand.

“Moreover, the lower limbs also have to bear the weight of the body , and the prosthesis is squeezed and bound together, and it is more difficult for blood to return to the heart normally. These two causes cause the swelling to increase. It’s a torturous pain. So, we’ve banned him from wearing a prosthesis.”
Dr.Ho glanced at Xie Yi: “The consequences will be worse than you said. If the condition is bad, in the most servere cases, we can only continue to resection and perform a second amputation.”

Xie Yi was startled and opend his mouth in amazement.

Before leaving , Dr.Ho said, “He is a heavy drinker and a heavy tobacco, this problem must be corrected , you should persuade him more.”

Xie Yi wry smile, how to persuade? Just because of his attitude towards her, now she is afraid that he will not listen to what she says. He is no stranger to her now.

However, she really couldn’t bear to see him spoil herself so much.

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