Chapter 29

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Chapter 30 6-2

Before the car drove to Li's Mansion, Xie Yi insisted on getting off the car. She didn't want to get off from the same car with Li Ze Liang during the peak hours of the company's work, otherwise Shen Xie Yi would definitely become the number one public enemy of all the women of the Li family from that moment on.

Especially the deputy manager of the company's personnel department Peng. This woman in her thirties but who was in her boudoir, since the stairway incident between her and Li Ze Liang was spread, every time Peng Li saw her, she was like seeing a class enemy, her nostrils turned upside down, she seemed to be allergic. Rhinitis committed. 
  However, when she was neglected by Li Ze Liang and was rumored to be leftovers, Peng Li's attitude improved slightly.

People in the company now look at her with weird eyes. There is sympathy, there is good drama, there is gloating, and there are rabbits and foxes? However, most people still believe that the stairway door is an illusion of the cleaning lady, because how could the dignified Li's boss look at her!

After arriving at the company in the morning, Freehand went to the planning department with colleagues Dong and Huang on the same floor to get information, and met Li Ze Liang on the way.

Although Li Ze Liang usually has a lot of self-cultivation and prestige in the company, especially in front of young female subordinates. When he is in a normal mood, he is amiable, but as long as he glances at someone with those Danfeng eyes, it is simply a sweep of the ice, which can freeze a person. If it happens to fall on a woman, it is naturally painful and happy.

Several nearby colleagues immediately stood still and bowed their heads all at once, "Good Mr. Li." Li Ze Liang nodded in return.

Freehand hiding next to him, turned sideways and prepared to follow the fool.

But she did not escape the eyes of Peng Li, who was walking with Li Ze Liang next to him. Peng Li, who was still guarding her body at the age of thirty-five, helped her glasses frame. "Shen Xie Yi." She said, "Why don't you see Mr. Li saying hello."

"Manager Peng." Freehand had no choice but to stand up.

"When you entered the Li family, I didn't always explain to you the company's rules of dealing with people in the company during my business trips. Why have you become so rude now?"

Freehand bow, "Good morning Manager Peng."

"When you meet for the first time in the morning, if it is your superiors, you should take the initiative to greet you one by one, instead of waiting for your boss to greet you, or simply ignoring you if you haven't seen it. It's second to me, especially Mr. Li. Mr. Li usually manages everything. , Every move affects Li’s future prospects. Although we usually hide this extraordinary reverence in our hearts, it is most valuable when it is inadvertently revealed on the surface. The way you look now is easy to misunderstand. To belittle Mr. Li, to belittle Mr. Li is to belittle the entire Li company. Do you understand?"

Freehand was afraid that she would say anything to raise her actions to a height that would be inferior to the glorious history of the Chinese nation. She hurriedly ran into her head like a chicken eating rice, "I understand, I understand."

"Then you understand what you are doing there, don't hurry up to salute Mr. Li."

Freehand and secretly glanced at herself, why did she bow to him, daydreaming.

Li Ze Liang waited there patiently as if watching the excitement as if it didn't matter to him, and didn't say anything.

Freehand wanted to look up and gouge him. It's best to dig a piece of her meat and cook porridge and soup. It's a pity that she didn't dare to look up, for fear that she would be caught by the four-eyed Peng Li and then count her eight sins, and it was not that she could not eat and walk around.

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