Chapter 51

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Chapter 52 10--2

Although he concealed it well, Xie Yi is not a three-year-old child after all, and he really don’t know the south, east, west, and northwest after a coax. The haze on his face grew deeper and deeper, and he pretended to be happy when he returned home.

Recently he smoked a lot of cigarettes, but he didn't smoke in the room, knowing that Xie Yi didn't like the smell of cigarettes, and simply hid on the balcony. After smoking, he washed his hands before talking to her.

Today, she heard him coughing on the balcony several times.

"Have a cold?"


Just finished saying nothing, but still coughed twice.

She glanced at him freely and went to the medicine box to find cold medicine for him.

"It might be difficult to raise money," Wu Weiming said in private.

It's too urgent, the number is so big.

"Indeed." She replied.

No company does business with money, and the money comes from the bank. In the past, the Li family had a long-term relationship with Huihu, but now, for her, the two families have turned their faces.

She really caused all the trouble.

He let out a leisurely sigh, but suddenly thought of himself.

The man agreed at the time and said: "If Lawyer Shen has anything to help me in the future, I will try my best."

She didn't take it to heart, but now that she think about it, she doesn't know if this favor is worth any money.

She asked Wu Weiming, "Do you have Meng Lili's phone number?"

"Yes. Don't you?"

"I deleted it."

Now Meng Lili is not the boss of Zhengyuan Bank, or the boss. She dialed Meng Lili and made an appointment to visit her.

Now Meng Lili can no longer speak with her widow who was waiting to divide her inheritance six months ago, but she is still so polite to Xie Yi.

Meng Lili did not set her appointment in the office, she was considered approachable.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, she told Qiao Hanmin a leave, so  she picked up her handbag and went out. Wu Weiming said, "It just so happens that I'm bored too, why don't I take the courage for you?"

Gratefully glanced at him.

So the two set off together towards the destination.

She has already thought about how to be humble and pious to win the olive branch of Meng Lili today.

Just like Xie Yi had just started to appear in court before, the two of them were in the car, she practiced the simulated lines one by one.

She arrived ten minutes early, but Meng Lili did not expect to arrive earlier.

"Sorry, we're late." She had to say so.

"I'm here early." Meng Lili smiled. "It's rare that Lawyer Shen asked me."

"Actually..." she , " don't want to go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, but I actually want Ms. Meng to help me if I have something to do."

"Whether it's a lady or a lady, I'm a few years older than you, just call me Sister Meng. I just don't know whether Lawyer Shen will reward me or call my sister." She smiled, her eyes flowed, she was charming.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now