Chapter 4

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Good words and freehand brushwork

Chapter 4 1--4

On weekends, she accompany her colleague Zhou Pingxin to the house inspection.

Pingxin is engaged and is preparing a new house for the wedding period. She has seen a few houses and is satisfied with the houses on the riverside, but the prices are staggering.

When the two went downstairs to take the elevator, they saw two people coming out of the elevator and politely moved two steps to the right.

"Xie Yi? What a coincidence." asked the tall man among them.

"Mr. Yang." It was Yang Wangjie, who smiled freely and said hello.

"You guys come to see the room?"

"I'll accompany my friends."

Yang Wangjie nodded.

It’s inconvenient to leave right way. She want to press the elevator again to say goodbye, but she didn’t expect Yang Wangjie to turn around and ask Pingxin, "Where does the lady fancy?"

"Block C on this floor."

"It's just right, our company can get the internal price here."

Pingxin was happy when she heard that, but she looked to Xie Yi to make up her mind, because he was her friend.

"Is it convenient?" Xie Yi didn't expect him to be so enthusiastic.

"No problem, this house is a project of our company."

As a result, under Yang Wangjie's introduction, Pingxin happily signed the contract.

On the weekend, Yang Wangjie had another appointment, and she couldn't have any more excuses because of the affection that day.

"Do you have a scar on your forehead?" Yang Wangjie saw the Xie Yi forehead inadvertently while eating.

"En?" Xie Yi didn't react for a while.

After a while, she remembered what he was talking about, raised her hand to touch the scar, and said, "It's a bit shaky."

A pink scar on the right forehead extends to the hairline, which is not very abrupt, so Xie Yi did not deliberately cover it with bangs.

Yang Wangjie felt a little embarrassed when he suddenly felt offended.

Xie Yi but don't mind gulping up what's on the plate.

"It just suits your appetite. The dishes at this restaurant are pretty good. But my cousin always finds it too greasy. She has been a vegetarian since she gave birth."

"That's Mrs. Wu's good blessing. If we don't eat meat, how can we get the strength to sell our lives and make money to make a living."

"Cousin-in-law always said at home that you are capable, but I didn't expect the real you to be so interesting."

After the meal, she went to touch up her makeup freely, and two women came in the bathroom to talk while walking.

"In this age, widows are more popular than young girls."

"No, I have property and have passed through the world. No one is old or young, only a large dowry."

"I'm not afraid of my ex-husband crawling out of the coffin and demanding his life from her."


Continue to talk about it, and she is not interested in listening to it anymore. As soon as she returned to the hall, she saw several people arguing.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now