Chapter 5

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Good words and freehand brushwork

Chapter 5 2--1

One day, Wu Weiming and Xie Yi discussed a topic.

"Xie Yi, guess what my previous ideal was?"

"Beautiful flowers, children around knees."

Wu Weiming coughed, "This is also considered one of the ideals. But there is a longer term."

"If you take a long-term view, is it a millionaire? In fact, I think that just now is the goal of most normal people."

"I can't be more lofty."

"If you want to be more lofty, you would like world peace?"

After Wu Weiming heard this, he gave her a blank look, then changed his words freely and said: "Or do you want to liberate all mankind?"


Wu Weiming was silent for a while, and then said: "Xie Yi, I find that you are acceptable to women, but you are very mean to men."

Xie Yi narrowed her mouth, "It's a bit strange for you to talk about great ideals of life in this kind of place."

At this moment, the two of them were sitting in the karaoke lobby just after going to the bathroom and chatting, while Tang Qiao's other colleagues sang in the navigation.

While talking, a woman came out of a private room on the left with a phone in her hand. She faltered, obviously a little drunk.

"No! Don't do this!" The woman yelled into the phone through her drunkenness.

"You can't do this to me, Yingsong." The woman said in a weeping voice, gradually sliding down the corner and squatting on the ground.

The more she listened to the voice, the more familiar the voice became, so she looked at the woman's back carefully.

is her!!!

Xie Yi hurriedly stood up.

"You know?" Wu Weiming asked.

"She is Li's secretary to the president."

Xie Yi lifted her up.

"Secretary Lin, this is Su Xie yi."

Xiao Lin raised her head, tears in her eyes, her delicate makeup already crying dimly. She nodded, indicating that she was still awake.

Wu Weiming was about to push the door to inform the other friends in Xiaolin's box.

"No."  She stopped him, "I don't want others to see me like this."

After seeing the Xie Yi gesture, Wu Weiming left gently and returned to his colleague.

Immediately, Xie Yi accompanied Xiaolin to wash her face in the bathroom, and then returned to the sofa in the lobby. Xiao Lin said nothing more. She, who wiped off the remaining makeup on her face, with wet red eyes, suddenly lost her cleverness in the day.

After a long time, Xiaolin calmed down slowly before speaking.

"I'm a failed woman. People obviously don't love me, but I just want to force it."

She has always been able to do things in the Li family wisely, and this time telling about her unwilling love is concise and straightforward. However, it makes Xie Yi feel good and funny.

What should she say when her partner's love is not going well?

"You are young and beautiful, beautiful and generous, and have a bright future. If you forget him, you will definitely find a better one in the future." Or, "It doesn't matter, it just means that she is not lucky."

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now