Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 4--4

Freehand nodded to Xue Qigui.

Many people feel a little surprised when faced with the company's reversal decision. From time to time, some people look suspiciously at freehand. She sat upright with her face as usual.

At the meeting, Li Ze Liang fulfilled his promise. Perhaps no one knows what kind of transaction he and her are behind this.

In the evening, Freehand went back and waited for a long time, but Li Ze Liang was still missing. If she had to spend the night on the sofa, she would be uncomfortably falling apart, but she was absolutely unwilling to step into his bedroom. She changed into loose clothes and curled up on the sofa, before closing her eyes in a daze, she thought: she hope he won't show up tonight, never show up.

Li Ze Liang had dinner with others and returned to the old house of Li's house on Yuyang Road. He didn't live often, but suddenly appeared yesterday, making all the people in the old house caught off guard and busy working for a long time.

Before entering the door today, the butler Lao Tan greeted him and asked, "Have you ever had dinner for Mr. Li?" Obviously, he was prepared.

"I've eaten it." Li Ze Liang said, "Uncle Tan, I'm here to trouble you again."

"Where can I say that, we always look forward to your coming. There is no young man in this old house, but it looks deserted." Old Wu said.

Li Ze Liang smiled and went back to the room to take a shower and change clothes.

Lao Tan sent the clothes ready to change into the bathroom, and asked cautiously, "Mr. Li, do you need help?"

"No." Li Ze Liang said as he untied his tie.

Lao Tan looked at him again, and saw that he had drunk some wine. He was a little worried. Last night, after Li Ze Liang came back, he looked very strange when he returned to the house without saying a word. Later, he was bored in the bathroom for an hour, causing a few servants to be outside without knowing what to do, but they didn't dare to scream. Because everyone knows that although he has inconvenient legs and feet, he dislikes showing his stumped legs in front of people. In the end, it was Lao Tan who dared to call him outside the door.

Li Ze Liang sensed his worries and said with a smile: "Is there anything wrong with taking a bath? You were too uneasy before that made me want to move out."

"Second Young Master," Old Tan changed his old name unknowingly, "You have been drunk more and more in recent years. Tobacco and alcohol hurt the liver and lungs. If you have to do business, you can sometimes ask Yingsong to deal with it." He saw that Li Ze Liang grew up and understood his temperament, so he persuaded him to speak very softly, for fear of annoying him.

"En." Li Ze Liang smiled at Lao Tan.

But Lao Tan saw that he just moved the corners of his mouth, but the look on his face looked like he was worried. He knew that although Li Ze Liang was not an impetuous person who lost his temper at will, it was a pity that he was so stubborn in his heart. It's useless to talk to him more, and then just let him go no longer.

It was almost late at night when Li Ze Liang took a bath and was about to rest. He likes to look at the lights, so as soon as he goes back to the old house, Old Tan knows that all the floor lights in the garden will be turned on so that he can just see it if he is standing in the bedroom on the second floor.

He was lying on his back on the bed in the bedroom alone. A crooked last quarter moon hung in the air, and the light white light shot out into the room, and a small piece just fell on the corner of his face.

He was suffering from insomnia, got up to touch the phone, pressed a series of numbers with his hands proficiently without flipping the phone book, and dialed out with his ears. After the call was connected, the supplier sent an electronic message indicating an empty number. After repeating it several times, the mechanical female voice suddenly disappeared and turned into a long busy tone.

He moved the screen back in front of him again, staring blankly at the dozen numbers, and then slowly dialed out... This was the only way he could cure insomnia in the middle of the night besides alcoholism. But now, this little magic has failed tonight, after waiting for the busy tone once and again.

He looked out the window and thought for a while, as if he had made some determination, and got up gently, without disturbing anyone in the house. He got dressed and went downstairs and drove straight to the city.

He got off the car all the way, crossed the street, and took the elevator without a trace. When he got off the elevator and walked to the door of his apartment, he hesitated. He originally took out the key, but now he took it back into his pocket. Then a person leaned against the wall at the door, took out a cigarette, lit it and took a few puffs.

He saw the green smoke of cigarette butts in his fingers, lingering and dispersing. Li Ze Liang drew one by one, and when there was no more one left, he was silent in the dark before opening the door.

After his eyes quickly adjusted to the light in the living room, Li Ze Liang saw the freehand brushwork curled up on the sofa. She faces outwards, with her head resting on the armrest of the sofa. Li Ze Liang approached her slightly deliberately.

She seemed to slept very unsteadily, breathing fast and slow, but still childishly opened her mouth slightly, and she could see the small shell-like teeth inside.

He quietly stretched out his hand and gently rubbed the skin of Xie Yi's cheek with his fingertips, but he did not expect that she frowned, flicked his hand away reluctantly, and moved her body.

Only then did Li Ze Liang remembered that she seemed to be the person who didn't like to get close to the smell of cigarettes. Thinking of this, he went to the bathroom to turn on the light and wash his hands. However, when he returned to the living room, Xie Yi had already woke up and stood there waiting for him.

"Mr. Li." She called him first indifferently and politely.

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