Chapter 41

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Chapter 42 8--4

"Senior, my name is Su Xie Yi."

"Oh." He replied casually.

"We've seen it before." She completely forgot the pain and reminded him excitedly.

"En." He was not interested.

"I'm in Class 7 of the first grade, and the classroom is on the first floor of the stairs."

She whispered, "You pass by the door of our classroom every day..."

He started to have a headache, and he regretted why he wanted to provoke her just now. Fortunately, the school doctor showed up in time and interrupted her harassment.

The school doctor uncovered the cloth on his wound bit by bit, and he twitched the corner of his mouth with a bit of pain.

She pouted and apologized guiltily: "I really didn't mean it, but I jumped out when I was excited. As a result, your class was not ranked."

"It's nothing, it's boring anyway." He said lightly.

That was the earliest communication he could remember in his memory. She later said that they had indeed met elsewhere before then. Unfortunately, he never remembered what else was left.

She at that time was only fourteen years old, and she was the youngest in the class in terms of age and height. It didn't look like a long open, just a little dwarf with two pigtails. But she can eat very well, taking care of everything that is injustice. So many boys don't like her very much.

She hasn't worked very hard in her studies. It is common for her to sing antithetical dramas with her teacher in class, and to be invited by parents.

One day, when he went to the office to hand in test papers, he happened to see her standing in the office, and probably her mother was sitting next to her.

The teacher said: "She actually took several girls in her class to someone else's house to make a theory. Although, that male student really shouldn't bully the girls from the country like that. But these things should also be reported to the teacher and let the teacher solve it? "

The teacher’s last sentence actually turned to Xie Yi and said, “If you do this, the parents come to school, saying that it has caused a psychological shadow on the children in his family. What do you say? What is bad in the class? It's all related to you."

After hearing this, Su's mother apologized to the teacher with a good temper.

But she didn't say a word from beginning to end, just lowered her head.

When he was passing by, her Perception raised her head and glanced at him. Her originally twisted eyebrows stretched out, and she squeezed her eyes secretly at him.

As usual, he looked away from her and walked out of the office.

She was small, and she didn't know how such a loud voice could erupt from such a body. Every time he played, she would shout in a voice as long as she was next to him: "Li Nan Yan, come on! Come on!"

After the exam during the winter vacation, the school was off, and he went to the city library to review books, but he did not expect to encounter her by chance. It hasn't stopped since. Appeared in front of him regularly every day.

"My mother works here." She explained cheerfully.

He didn't pay attention, just lowered his head to read.

"You work hard, listen to our teacher say you are going to take the M degree?" She chatted again on the topic.

"Your name is so nice, but everyone calls it that way and it's boring."

She sat across from him, resting her chin on the table, staring at his drooping eyelashes with relish.

From the beginning to the end, she lowered her voice and talked to herself, and he ignored her.

"Why don't I think about it again."

She likes to give people nicknames the most.

Zhan Dong,Zhen’s “Dongdong” is already a very polite name. For example, at the same table at Bihaihu, she directly called her beautiful, but fortunately she was a woman, so she didn't lose much of her elegance.

However, there was another classmate whose name was Yan Zheng Hua, and she gave someone a "Rouge". 

It made a big boy got such a nickname. Later, all grades knew what flower was a black-faced boy in Class 7, and forgot his original name. Once in a physical education class, the boy was chatting with someone in the back row.

The physical education teacher was very angry and shouted: "Rouge, no talking!"

The whole class was taken aback at the same time, and then burst into laughter.

In fact, his surname was Li, which made her want to call him chestnut, simple and catchy. But she must not take this, otherwise his eyes may smash her on the spot.

She racked her brains to think.

"A Yan," she said, "I'll just call you A Yan."

He paused slightly with the nib where he was writing.

"My name is Li Nan Yan." He declared.

"A Yan is really nice." She rarely thinks of a name that sounds nice and doesn't hurt people.

He stood up unbearably, packed his things and left.

She chased to explain, "The wife of Huang Yaoshi is called Feng Heng. Originally such a common name, but Huang Laoxie called her A Heng. A Heng, it was so disturbing to call her, and she suddenly became a beautiful woman. ."

He was drunk while talking freely. When he got back to God, he found that he had already gone a long way.

Later, his father came to see him in City B, and invited his friend Shen Zhi Hong to dinner and asked him to go with him. Several families sat together in harmony.

Shen Zhi Hong has a young daughter who is white and clean. Although she has a sweet mouth, she can still tell at a glance that she is a spoiled child by an adult.

When Shen Zhi Hong knew that he was studying in Sixteenth Middle School, he couldn't help but blurt out and asked, "Where are you also studying?"

Before leaving, Shen Zhi Hong suddenly said to him in secret: "Nan Yan, my Xie Yi is also in your school, the seventh grade of the first grade. Have you seen it?"

"I have seen it."

He answered honestly to his elders, but he didn't understand the relationship between Shen Zhi Hong and Su Xie Yi.

"Then you are really the Ayan she came back to mention to me?"

Shen Zhi Hong shook his head helplessly.

Ayan? Ayan?

He didn't know how to reply, so he nodded.

"She told me that Ayan is going to take the M college entrance examination, so she must go to that school too."

Shen Zhihong smiled and patted his shoulder, "Young man, teach her more."

Just such a sentence made she feel confident and confident when it entangled him. 

As a result, throughout the winter vacation, such a girl chased after him, calling "Ayan, Ayan".

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, he remembered this time very clearly.

She stayed on the side of the road as usual, ready to continue to be a follower chasing him to the library. She is carrying a school bag and wearing a short pink down jacket with a pair of white pants underneath. It is rare for a lady to match it. There was a lot of snow the first day, and she was waiting for him in the snow alone, her nose and face were red with cold, and she called him loudly from afar across the road.

In the library, he suffered a few cold faces, and she also learned to behave, no longer harassing him, and quietly brought homework to do. When she encountered a question that she couldn't, she asked him, but he didn't have the patience to tell her, so he figured out the answer and threw it to her.

Unexpectedly, she is very smart and can understand 60 to 70%.

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