Chapter 73

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Chapter 13 Part VI

When she got home, she saw the diamond ring in the light and asked strangely, “This is not the one last time. The styles are all different.”

“Well, yes?” He fought sloppily with her.

“What about the one before?”

“I threw it.”

Xie Yi dumb.

She didn’t know he had actually thrown it, but he went back to find it that night. A handsome and extraordinary handsome man, dressed in a lot of expensive clothing, mixed with a pile of garbage in the subway station, is simply a stop and admire. Later, the staff told him that the trash can had been cleaned once at noon. As a result, such a small gadget can never be recovered.

“By the way, do you remember what day it was?” Xie Yi asked again.

“Proposal Day?”

“And what?”

“What else? Without…”

Xie Yi began to sullen: “ A yan , I’m angry.”

LI Ze Liang didn’t seem to hear or answer her.

Xie Yi deliberately walked up to him and reiterated in an aggravated tone again: “I’m really angry, very very angry.”

Also stomped his foot to get his attention.

Li Ze Liang put down the newspaper in his hand, his gaze swept over her face, and said coldly: “What’s wrong? Want to rebel?”

As soon as she was threatened, his Xie Yi became a deflated leather ball, so she glanced at him mournfully, and then walked away silently , leaving him with a back full of grievances.

Seeing her like that, Li Ze Liang couldn’t help but shake his head anymore and laughed out loud.

“Laugh , why are you laugh?” She shouted.

He took out a small rectangular brocade box with a dark green pattern from the drawer, put it in front of her, and said with a smile: “Happy Birthday.”

“You haven’t forgotten?”

“Don’t dare.”

Xie Yi looked at him: “You are so modest, how can there be something you dare not do?”

This time, Li Ze Liang was in a good mood and coaxed her without anger: “Open it and take a look.”

Looking at his smiling face, she felt that there was no good wind on all sides: “There won’t be cockroaches in it, right?”

He strong held back his temper and did not attack: “It is a very important birthday gift, what you have always wanted.”

“It’s ????” She asked as she unbuttoned the button and opened the small box.

After looking at the contents, she was stunned for a moment, and only an indescribable joy followed.

It was a seal of Tian Huang, the body was slender and bright, there were no unnecessary embellishments on the four walls, and it was as delicate to the touch as a baby’s skin. There was a little trace of clay on the bottom of the print, a light red, which seemed to have been used by him once. Xie Yi put the seal in front of his mouth and sighed, and couldn’t wait to find a paper to cover it. Four seal characters are immediately printed on the white paper: A yan & Xie Yi.

“You carved it?” Hold it in the palm of her hand.

“Hmm. Do you like it?”

Xie Yi nodded like pounding garlic and said, “I like it , I really really like it.”

She was a little happy but she felt that she didn’t want to cover something with it, and when she looked around and didn’t find a suitable place to start, she saw Li Ze Liang’s white and tender face, and her eyes turned and had a ghost idea.

“A yan” She shouted maliciously, trying to make him turn his head.

“If you dare to put it in my face, be careful that I cover you all over.”

He was too lazy to move, and he had already seen through the good tricks.

“Uh….How could you be so naïve?”

Xie Yi said this, but her heart was unconvinced , she hid the seal behind her back and secretly approached him, and just when his attention was diverted, she suddenly pounced and wanted to cover his face.

Who knew that Li Ze Liang reacted extremely quickly, not only dodged, but also took the seal away.

“It seems that some people do not shed tears without seeing the coffin.”

After Li Ze Liang finished speaking, he bound her two wrists with the palm of his left hand, and also freed his right hand to dip the printing mud next to him, and then conveniently poked and poked at Xie Yi face three times.

This series of actions not only made her have no place to resist, but also completely maneuvered.

Therefore, on the left face, right face and forehead, there is a seal on each side, and it is a flower-faced cat.

“If you dare to come again, I will only have to continue…” said Li Ze Liang and meaningfully moved his gaze to the area below the neck.

“I was wrong.”She invests wisely fall.

Li Ze Liang let her go with satisfaction.

Xie Yi took a tissue and wiped her face, while seizing the opportunity to viciously attack the snow white wall in Li Ze Liang’s room, and stamped it five or six times in a row to vent her anger.

She can only be so angry.

Just when the seventh person started, she looked sideways at the red marks and suddenly found a problem.

“I remember I was asking for good intentions and you didn’t think the other way. And the words of the seal do it read vertically, how did it become horizontal?”

“No opposite, it’s “Ayan and Xie Yi.” He replied.

And this kind of horizontal engraving , no matter where you start pronounced, it is a good idea.

“Why is your name on it?” Xie Yi Frowning.

“Men should have been on it.” Li Ze Liang said lightly.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now