Chapter 40

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Chapter 41 8--3

"Are your legs tired?" she asked, holding his hand.

"It's not bad."

"What do you mean by okay?"

"Not tired."

"What if I'm tired?"

"Then let's go back." As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang, and he took a free look.

She smiled, "Come on, maybe there is business." As she said that, she went to the door of the shop next to her to admire the shop window.

"Mr. Li." The caller was Xue Qigui. "That thing..."

"I read the planning book and there is nothing infeasible, and the conditions they offer are very generous."

"It is."

"When doing business, risks are inevitable."

They talked for a long time, during which time Li Ze Liang turned around and saw her standing in front of the window. In the jewelry store window in front of her, there is a glass counter. Inside the counter were two golden cartoon figures.

She seemed curious and bent down. Probably she only noticed that the counter had forgotten the display window, and when she slowly bent down, she "clicked--" and knocked her forehead on the glass.

At the same time, he couldn't help but tilt his head slightly following her.

Her first reaction was to look around pretendingly and calmly, rubbing her forehead painfully after making sure that no one was paying attention to her ugliness.

"Mr. Li?" Xue Qigui said for a long time, but Li Ze Liang didn't answer.

He was distracted for a while, and Xue Qigui had to say what he had just said again.

After talking about the matter, he hung up the phone, and he walked over, "What are you looking at?"

"A pair of cartoon bears are so cute, they are actually made of gold." She pointed at them and smiled. She has always been very vulgar, and has loved golden things since she was a child.

In the past, Zhan Dong Zhen gave her a birthday gift, which was a pair of very elegant earrings, and she wore the small earlobes that matched her brilliantly. But she said discouragedly, "It's really bad, and I can't eat it."

Zhan Dong Zhen was dumbfounded, "You can change a lot of rice."

"And I like gold."

"Go in and take a look?" Li Ze Liang asked. It seems that he is more familiar with the hobby of her.

"Don't watch it, don't buy it."

The clerk in the jewelry store saw the two standing in front of the window talking, and smiled and asked, "Miss, you can come in and sit down."

"If you like it, you can buy it." He walked in with her calmly.

She suddenly remembered that there was a diamond king five standing in front of him. He lacked everything just like he didn't lack money.

She did not shy away, and bought something happily.

The clerk said that there are three models of the kind of bear, how many grams and how many grams, and then put them in front of her one by one.

"I want the biggest one." She pointed.

"Small and beautiful," he suggested.

She glanced at him freely, using honey to transmit her voice, "You're so stingy."

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now