Chapter 70

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Chapter 13 Part III

At night, Xie YI insisted on massaging his legs. She said mysteriously: “I learned a hand today. I will definitely gradually improve, and in the future, your legs will be handed over to me, and I can only touch them.”

Immediately she went to soak his feet in Chinese medicine .

After a while, he came in sweating profusely with a bucket full of water. When the wet and dry towels and stool are ready, squat down and reach out to touch his legs.

“Forget it, Xie Yi.” He blocked her hand.

“Do you think I’m not gentle?”

“It’s not.”

“You are my A Yan, aren’t you?”


“That’s fine. The leg is yours, you are mine, so what’s so great about me touching my right leg?”

She immediately continued the action just now. Choosing a good and belated doubtful, but finally went with her.
So she rolled up his trouser tube and gently soaked his right leg in the warm potion.

“Hot or not?” She asked while rubbing.

He shook his head, and then she took the towel soaked in hot water and rubbed it from bottom to top, put it down after going back and forth a few times. And then put her hands together and forcefully brushed it from the broken place to his knees to promote blood circulation. When the water temperature had cooled, she dried his legs with a thick towels . After placing it on the bed, she repeated the process just now.

“Xie Yi, there are some things, although you didn’t ask me, but I should have told you those things back then.” He suddenly spoke.

Seeing his eyebrows and his mouth, she vaguely felt what he was going to say , so she immediately stopped him:" I don’t want to listen, I don’t want to know. Whatever you did back then, it’s over, I don’t want to know at all.”

“You don’t mind?” He looked directly at her.

“I said, I didn’t mind at all, that’s a lie. But …” She paused, “I care more about you, afraid that you will be sad, afraid of losing you. As long as I can be with you , nothing can stop me. I also believe that my father will forgive me too.”

When she said these words by words, her hand touched the skin on his leg in the water, and she didn’t cry, and her eyes were unusually firm.

He looked at her for a long time, there were many complicated looks in his eyes, and after a long time, a thousand words turned into only two word, simple but heavy two words: “Thank you.”

Eventually, she believed him.

The heating in the house was turned on enough, so she was tired and sweaty after some work. But she still don’t forget to ask, “Did I hurt you?”

“Nope.” A shy flash of his smile flickered.

“A yan, I found a problem. “ She said with a smile:" You are obviously quite horizontal in front of me, but only when I touch your legs are you especially shy.”

In the face of Xie YI’s bluntness, his eyes narrowed slightly:” I ‘m not only easy to shy. "

“What else?”

“It’s also very easy to burn yourself.”

With that, he propped himself up and raised his head to kiss her.

“Message… it’ s not over yet.”

“Today is enough, we can temporarily change the next one to another program.”

He has new proposals.

“But the doctor said…”

“What the doctor said was bullshit, and my own body knows it for itself. " His voice was a little hoarse, and his hot lips began to slide down.

“So this time…” Xie Yi bit his lip, “Can I take the initiative this time. "

He stopped moving and looked at her.

Xie YI was uncomfortable staring at by him, her face burned red, and explained: “I’m really not afraid of people’s leg pain, I just want to take the initiative .”

Then , she went to turn off the lights.

“Actually, I have something to say to you.”

“What words?”

In the dark, Xie YI crouched on it and groped his right leg. The fingers roamed on the straight and slender leg, all the way down, and when they passed a few inches past the knee and then went down, there were empty and there was nothing . Her fingers stopped at the broken place and kissed them gently.

“In the future, I will use my love to make up for what is not here little by little."  She said.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now