Chapter 48

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Chapter 49 9-5

Early in the morning, nurses and doctors have successively come to take over. Li Ze Liang went to the bathroom and came back, and as soon as he entered the door, he found that Xie Yi had woken up. Big black and white eyes stared at the leaves outside the window in a daze.

It was the same scene many years ago. They said that she could not remember many people and things, but he didn't believe it. He struggled to go to the hospital to see her. She also sat quietly in a corner of the hospital garden, staring at the leaves on the tree in a daze.

She probably leaned back for a long time, her neck was sore, and her head dropped, her eyes flowed over his face without any pause. After a while, she turned around to look at him in the wheelchair, and secretly said to the nurse next to him: "Is that gentleman's legs gone?"

"Probably so," the nurse said.

"It's a pity, it's rare to see such a handsome Oriental."

She nodded silently, and stopped staring at him out of politeness.

At that time, she was very ill, often in a daze, she couldn't remember what she had done a second before. So she forgot again.

In fact, they had seen it after the car accident.

The sound of Li Ze Liang's door closing shocked her leaning on the bed in a daze. She looked over at the sound, and when she saw Li Ze Liang, she narrowed her eyes and smiled; "A Yan."

"En? Do you think something is wrong?"

He was afraid that something would happen to her.

"Yes," she said.

"Where?" he asked alertly.

"I'm hungry." She laughed.

"Ji Yingsong will bring in early."

"I want to drink the porridge you made." She acted like a baby. "Sweet and sweet lotus leaf porridge. When I had a stomachache last week, You boiled it for me. You said you can try it with mint leaves next time."

The nurse who heard her changing the dressing couldn't help but smile.

To say this in front of a stranger freely made him a little embarrassed. So he coughed in embarrassment.

After finishing the CT, she came out and passed other wards. She heard someone shouting on the phone in the corridor: "Throw, throw, you must ship for me as soon as the market opens today."

The voice was not calm at all.

"Everyone is mad by the stock?" she said suspiciously.

"You should be thankful that you didn't buy it, or I would go downstairs to collect the body." He said.

"It is estimated that you have lost a lot. Brother Li, it seems that you are a good person, and your heart is quite strong." She laughed.

"Not only my heart, but also a strong place." He said lightly.


He muttered freely, and looked around to see if anyone was listening. He really doesn't know why this man has a bad stomach.

Sure enough, three sentences are not far from the line.

"You are good or bad," she said.

"What did I say wrong?"

"The bad guys know that they want to think of that kind of thing."

"I said Xie Yi," he looked at her and taught righteously, "what do you think about in your mind all day long, you have to think about it in any sentence."

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now