Extra 3-1 Xie Yi's Little Diary

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The title of an essay that she most annoyed when I was a kid was "My Favorite Quote from a Famous Person" or "My Motto". I always feel that there is such a big gap between myself and great men, how can I understand their heartfelt words.

But then for a period of time, I have been obsessed with Goethe's words. I don't remember the first time I heard that sentence in a textbook in China, but what really shocked me was when I drove Ayan to Frankfurt Airport and then returned to school alone. Goethe's famous quote was written on the Heidelberg sign.

"My heart is lost in Heidelberg."

Heidelberg is a very strange place. The red roofs and the narrow and chaotic streets on the other side of the Neckar River all have an indescribable romance and tranquility. Before I came, I didn't know that Heidelberg was such a small city. I chose it only because of Ayan, so why did Ayan choose it?

After returning to Heidelberg from the countdown to the New Year in Dusseldorf, Ayan returned to China.

In fact, in the few days of New Year's Eve every year, his mood will fall to the bottom, and he likes to be alone. It was like when I ran away from home to find him on New Year's Day that year, but he went to the beach alone for a day.

Therefore, his ability to postpone the date of returning to China until he accompanied me to Dusseldorf was already the biggest concession.

In the afternoon, when I was walking on the way to the library, I suddenly ran into that Miss Dong. Seeing me from a distance, she shouted: "Xie Yi!" Then she walked over and smiled sweetly at me.

In fact, I am definitely older than her, but she always feels that she is one level higher than me, and she does everything possible to make me call her sister. I complained to Ayan, but he never accepted it.

"I heard that your brother has returned to China? You can find me if you live alone in an inconvenient place."

Miss Dong left these words and left leisurely.

My face wrinkled together, a little unconvinced.

There are not many Chinese students in Heidelberg, but almost everyone knows that Li Ze Liang has a little girl who is like a classmate.

"Why do they think I am your sister, obviously not."

I asked Ayan dissatisfiedly before.

"Then what do you think you are?" he asked rhetorically.

"I..." I was speechless.

After a while, while Ayan turned around to fry the egg, I protested in a low voice: "I took your hand and let you kiss my mouth. What do you think I am?"

He seemed to notice my dissatisfaction, put on his apron and lowered his head and asked, "What are you muttering alone?"

I smirked in a hurry: "I said what you said I was."

It's a bit like a tongue twister.

The originally quiet town became more silent at night. I stayed at home at night and heard the cold wind blowing outside. I suddenly missed him.

After watching the ball from Frankfurt, after the first kiss, we never made any cross-line moves.

When we went to school that time, a pair of young lovers ecstatically kissed on a chair beside the path, and then the man's hand suddenly touched the girlfriend's chest, rubbed it, and even reached into the clothes.

I couldn't help pulling him away, and then said, "It's disgusting."

He glanced at me deeply, turned his head and said nothing.

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