Chapter 56

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Chapter 57 10--7

The moment the ring fell, she pulled away from him.

She turned her back to the platform and didn't look back.

He doesn't know if she doesn't want to or dare not.

She had always thought that there might be nothing in this world that would make Li Ze Liang feel scared, but it was a pity that it was such a simple turn, but now she can't do it.

If he turn around, what he see is still her decisive back, so how terrible.

The last word to break, almost tore his heart. Before she answered him, in a short interval of one second, he had an urge to abandon everything and pay any price, as long as...just change the answer he wants.

It's a pity that the lips that he had kissed deeply, the lips that had been pouted to him, and the lips that had been coquettish, closed and opened the two sounds of "no", destroying his smallest hope.

When she was a child, when she smile and laughed, with dimples on the right and no dimples on the left. Especially when she pester him, Ayan Ayan smiles like a flower in full bloom.

Now, there is nothing left.

The subway closed the door again and started slowly. Outside the window, the brightness of the platform turned into pitch black. His face and the long row of empty seats behind him were reflected on the glass.

Suddenly—he remembered that scene, she said the scene they met for the first time. In that moment, his heart was like a mirror, and everything was remembered. It turned out that everything started only because he gave up her seat for her mother.

When he went to high school in City B, he took the subway to and from school for a year.

That morning, a girl squeezed her mother into the car with her mother. The mother seemed to be in poor health, so a guy nearby stood up and asked the girl's mother to sit.

Just when the girl was holding her mother to move towards the seat, a middle-aged man stepped over, "Oh, such a comfortable seat is vacant," and then quickly sat down. She clearly knew that someone else gave her the seat, but she didn't mind to fight for it herself.

The girl said, "That is for my mother to sit. She is flashing her waist."

"My waist flashed too." The middle-aged man said disdainfully.

So everyone was a little embarrassed.

The girl bit her lower lip stubbornly, very angry but helpless.

The mother said: "Xie Yi, forget it, mother's waist doesn't hurt."

The people next to them are busy going to school and work, and it is better to do less than to do more, and they do not come out to say a word.

Seeing everything, he stood up from a long distance and said, "Auntie, you sit here with me."

At that time, the first thing she said to him in life was "thank you, brother".

The meaning of fate, maybe where it starts, it will end there. She and him worked hard for nearly ten years to draw a circle, and finally returned to the original point.

Li Ze Liang moved his steps, only to realize that he could hardly move, and his legs were already numb. He leaned on the armrest with difficulty and sat down in the chair next to him.

He leaned back in his chair, raised his head, and a lot of past events flooded into his mind.

She said, "Ayan, what if I do something that makes you angry?"

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