Chapter 76

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Chapter 14 Part III

   The wedding date is scheduled for March, when the spring is full and the grass grows and the warblers fly.

   On the first night of the wedding, the wedding company arranged a dress rehearsal, and the in laws and friends of the couple gathered for dinner at the hotel where the ceremony was held.

   The second elder of the Li family returned from Australia several weeks in advance.

   On the other side, Li Ze Liang sent someone to pick up Aunt Ren, Shu Qing and Xie Ming Hao on the first day, along with Zhan Dong Zhen.

   At dinner in the evening, in addition to letting Shu Qing rest in the room, a large family finally met officially.

    After eating, mother Li and Aunt Ren sat together again. “I haven’t seen you in so many years, and you haven’t grown old at all.” Li’s mother said.

  “When I am old, you look young, and you are better maintained abroad than us.” Aunt Ren smiled.

   “I didn’t expect it to be done in-laws. Li’s mother sighed, “I remember that when  she used to go to the same school as our second elder, the two of them got together when they were so young, and Lao Shen made fun of them for this, and said that he would let the second son be his son in law. Now he has a wish in heaven.”

   “It’s a blessing for us to be with him.”

“No, no no , it’s a blessing for our second eldest son. His stinky temper can only be cured by Xie Yi.”

   After a while, Mother Li saw Xie Min Hao’s’ busy figure, and asked again: “This is the eldest son in law , right?”

   Aunt Ren nodded: “However, there is no wedding yet.”

   “Then hurry up. So that you can have a double happiness, so that you can’t close your mouth.”

Sitting next to each other, listening to the two old women chattering and laughing shallowly.

   Li Ze Liang sent the elders at the door, and only stopped after he was busy.
Xie Yi walked up behind him and shouted, “ Li Laoer.”

   Li Ze Liang was surprised turning around, he immediately changed his face and said viciously: “I see you feel tired of living.”

   It’s a pity that Xie Yi is not afraid of him at all today: “It turns out that you are calling Li Laoer.” She was happy and finally learned her mother’s tone, “The second eldest in our family…..”

   He clasped her wrist and smiled: “Wings hard?”

  “ Your mother said, if you dare to bully me, she will spank you.” Xie Yi laughed after speaking.

   “Do you believe her words? She hasn’t taught me a lesson in her life.”

“Then it’s no wonder.”

“No wonder, what?”

“No wonder you grew up so nasty.”

   “You hate that? Then you still cry and have to marry me.”

   “Obviously…..” Xie Yi suddenly became anxious, “obviously you begged me to marry you.”

   “Yes?” He asked slowly and deliberately nonchalantly.

  When Zhan Dong Zhen came back from the bathroom, he saw that Xie Yi and Li Ze Liang were there and they were stirring their mouths one by one, and at this moment, Aunt Ren, who was standing next to the wedding planner, stopped him, saying that there was a task for him tomorrow.

   Xie YI chose a Western-style wedding, but the bride’s father passed away, and she did not find the right man to bring her to the wedding scene.

  Aunt Ren said: “You watch Xie Yi grow up, and she is like your own sister. So we discussed with the host and thought you were a good fit.”

“No Problem.” Zhan Dong Zhen nodded, and then casually looked back at Xie Yi again.

Tomorrow, he sends her to marry.

  At the other end, a large group of young people sat together and talked about how to make things difficult for the groom when they greeted the bride tomorrow morning, and Wu Wei Ming wrote a long list of plans on the list according to everyone’s wishes.

After discussing , Zhou Ping Xin pulled Xie Yi  over, to refer to Xie Yi’s opinion.

  Xie Yi learned the whole process, and pulled the corners of her mouth awkwardly: “Still, forger it.” She was really afraid that if she played beyond the boundary, Li Ze Liang would turn his face on the spot.

  “Why?” Wu Wei Ming said, “You must make the groom suffer a little, but you can’t just cheapen him, so that you can have a better life in the future.”

  Everyone nodded together, and one of them came over and knew the truth.

  However, Xie Yi frowned, hesitated for  a long time and said: “What if he is angry and doesn’t want to marry me?”

   After listening to the words, the people at the big table were stunned, and then laughed out loud at the same time.

------------------------Main Story End--------------

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