Chapter 65

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Chapter 12 Part 3

Recently, Zhou Pingxin has found a point of worship for Xie Yi. Because according to Joe Han Min said that the German Couple liked to be Xie Yi and praised her again and again.

“You speak German so well.” Zhou Pingxin sighed again.

“Do you still understand?”

“People say yes, it’s definitely good. And it sounds very good, I used to hear people speak German quite badly.”

Xie Yi had to laugh.

She didn’t speak well at all, far less than Li Ze Liang. His voice was not particularly low, but he spoke German very charmingly, and he used to teach her words slowly like that, and the low tone was slightly elegant and charming.
In the evening, She was watching TV at home, turned to the city station, and actually saw Li Ze Liang appear in that character interview program. He has always kept a low profile and does not like these occasions, but this time it was unusual.

Li Ze Liang sat there, wearing a light gray dress with a prosthetic leg on. He would never do what the doctor said, and it is estimated that if he did not wear a prosthesis and would not appear on camera.

The beautiful hostess, who is known for her meanness, is very polite in the face of him, and the questions raised are gentle and polite. Questions such as Li’s funds were denied by Li Ze Liang with a smile.

“Last Question, Mr Li Ze Liang.” The host said, “You are still unmarried, so is there anything to reveal to our audience friends about your private feeling?”

“I’m just an ordinary businessman, not a public figure, and I believe everyone is not very interested in my personal issues.”

This was the only soft nail he gave to the host, and he smiled faintly after speaking.

The handsome face with a faint smile froze into a photograph and appeared on the cover of the Economic Weekly the next day. When she passed by the newsstand, she stopped and couldn’t help but buy a copy.

She sat in the subway and read it carefully. She bet that the author of this article was not instructed by Li Ze Liang to accept his benefits, and spoke for him everywhere. But this man has a good pen and the horse’s butt is not visible.

Suddenly, It became clear that his recent high-profile was just to save Li’s positive image and restore investor confidence. Therefore, he came out and move around even in a wheelchair , which was never seen before.

She flipped back to the cover and looked at the face again. He has never liked to take pictures, so there are only a handful of photo of her with him. Thinking about this, Xie Yi couldn’t help but move her fingers to his eyes. She doesn’t know how long it had been since she saw him smile to himself.

What day was the last time? It seems that he sneaked back from City B, caught her in the toilet, kissed her passionately, and then proposed to her. When he smiled genuinely at her like that, his eyebrows were much better than in this picture. For a moment , she was a little distracted, then put the weekly magazine in her handbag, and sighed softly in her heart.

In the afternoon, She went to the hotel to pick up the German elderly couple and transfer them to a city in the mainland for tourism. She want to take them to the airport. She didn’t expect to arrive a little early, and she sat on the customer’s sofa apologetically , chatting with the old gentleman and waiting for the old lady to clean up.

The old gentleman has a strong sense of national honor, and always likes to ask Xie YI whether she has been to a certain city in Germany or what kind of football game has she seen.

Halfway through the conversation Xie Yi suddenly rang on her mobile phone, she went to rummage through her handbag, and she couldn’t find it for half a day. She smiled apologetically at the old man, then put her keys , notepad, and the morning magazine on the coffee table before flipping her phone out.

“Xie Yi, did you arrive at the hotel?” It’s from Zhou Ping Xin.


“Okay, I’ll wait for you at the airport.”

She just hung up the phone, but saw the old gentleman staring at the cover of this week’s magazine, and then took it. Then elderly are a little presbyopia, but the cover is so clear, he can see Li Ze Liang at a glance.

“This is Li.” The old gentleman said to himself.

“You know him?” She was a little surprised.

The old gentleman raised his eyebrows and said with some pride: “We are friends.”

“Friends?”  Could it be that the couple said that the friend who visited City A was referring to LI Ze Liang? There really is such a clever thing in the world. And she never knew that Li Ze Liang actually had friends in Mannheim.

“He seems to be very successful with you, Shen , You are somewhat similar to him.” The old gentleman smiled. “ That’s how I saw you in the car for the first time.”

“Something like?”

“The accent of speaking German, the habits of using words, and the sideways of turning your head if you can’t find the right word for a while.” The old gentleman lovingly imitated the Xie Yi expression and movements.

Xie YI smile: “it’s all Chinese accents, and Chinese habits.” Her German was almost taught by Li Ze Liang , which is probably normal, but it was the first time she had heard someone say this. Now she doesn’t want to explain the relationship between the two to others, it’s really just a coincidence.

“NO,” the old gentleman shook his head, “I know a lot of Chinese, and the habits of the two of you are very similar.”
Xie Yi is no longer denying.

The old man went to get reading glasses, looked at Li Ze Liang ‘s cover back and forth, and then handed it to Xie YI:”Miss Shen, can you please translate for me.”

She intermittently translated the report inside, and the old lady listened to it. After the tirade, the room fell silent, and he put down the book and looked at them.

After a long time, the old gentleman said: “I didn’t expect Li to be so successful, it’s not easy.”

The lady also sighed: “At that time, we all thought he wouldn’t survive.”

“How?” Xie Yi didn’t understand what they meant for a while.

“Shen, you probably all know that Li’s leg is disabled.”

“Hmm.” Xie Yi nodded.

“He had an accident in Germany when my husband rescued him from the river.” The old lady said.

“What accident?” Xie Yi immediately asked, and the eager attitude surprised both old men, because she had never received exact information from anyone about the car accident that disabled Li Ze Liang. He kept himself too well hidden.

“He was injured and fell into the river, drifted downstream and I saved him with my son.”

Hearing this, Xie Yi’s heart suddenly contracted:”What kind of river is that?”

“The Rhine, the Mannheim section.”

A Strong sense of foreboding rose in her heart, and she asked in a trembling voice: “Mr.Schneider, can you remember what day it was?”

The old man thought for  a while: “I don’t remember clearly, but if it is important, I can look it up.”

“Mr.Schneider, this matter is very, very important to me!”

Xie Yi ‘s face become pale.

It is estimated that the old man saw the strange situation of Xie Yi and knew that this matter was not trival. So, the old lady asked the hotel to pick up an international call and asked her son.
Two minutes later, the old lady told Xie Yi the answer.

December 1st.

December 1st.

When she heard this date, she almost stopped breathing, her hands firmly grasped her clothes, and thousands of complicated and incomprehensible feelings surged up together, as if they were clamouring to pour out of her eyes.

Xie Yi got up abruptly, and then said again: “I’m sorry, I….. I…..” She didn’t realize that she was saying it directly in Chinese, and her voice trembled. Then she rushed into the bathroom.


It was actually the same day.

They fell in a car accident on the same day on the Rhine in the Mannheim section.

Time, place coincide so amazingly that it’s almost scary.

Xie Yi immediately dialed Zhan Dong Zhen’s phone: “Dong Dong, I have a very urgent question!”

“What’s wrong?”

“You said I was rescued after the accident.”

“Yes, otherwise you can still get up with your own dedication to death? And the doors and windows are closed.”

“What about the one who saved me?”

“I’ve answered you many times, Xie YI, but I didn’t find it.”

He also did as she wanted, but he couldn’ t find it.

“Why didn’t you find it?”

“That day, when others found you, you fainted alone in shallow water, and the car had sunk. There was no one around, no one knew what was going on. "

He didn’t know how many times he had talked about these topics with her, but today she suddenly brought them up again.

He described: “The window was shattered from the outside and you lost consciousness before you fell into the water because your head hit the glass in front of you.

“Right, so we speculate that someone must have saved you, but it turned out to be unthinkable.”

“It’s not that it’s unimaginable, it’s that without that person, I wouldn’t have survived at all.”

“So to speak.” Zhan Dong Zhen echoed.

“But who is that person?”

Their discussion returned to the same place, and Zhan Dong Zhen said a little helplessly: “I don’t know, Xie Yi, I really don’t know. We tried, but we couldn’t find it.”

Xie Yi took a deep breath: “I know now, may be it’s him. That person is Li Ze Liang.”

It’s Li Ze Liang!!!!!

When she said Li Ze Liang’s three words into the phone in the bathroom, tears welled up.

“Why?” Zhan Dong Zhen asked in surprise.

“I don’t know , I have no evidence and no clues, but I feel like it’s definitely him.”

The person who broke the glass with his hand in the cold and biting river water, the person who pulled her out of the car little by little, and the person who sent her to the shallow water with the last ounce of strength, was Li Ze Liang.

Xie Yi came out of the bathroom and said to the two old men helplessly: “I’m sorry, I will ask another person from the company to come, I have an urgent matter and must leave.”

The old lady walked and hugged her and said: “Child, it’s okay, you can go. We are not in a hurry, and we cannot even leave today.”

With tears in her eyes, she nodded at them and quickly left the hotel.

She didn’t know who she could ask for confirmation, and who else could give her a definite answer besides Li Ze Liang , himself. In a hurry, she contacted Ji Ying Song.

“Manager Ji, I’m Shen Xie Yi.”

“Hello,” Ji Ying Song said.

“I need to see you.”

“Is there something going on?”

“About Li Ze Liang’s car accident in Germany.”

Ji Ying Song pause slightly, and said on the other end of the phone: “Miss Shen, you should ask, Mr.Li himself.”

“He won’t tell me.”

“Then there is nothing I can do.” Ji Ying Song was very polite and rejected her.

“Manager Ji.” Xie Yi bit her lower lip and said a little desperately to the phone: “I beg you, please tell me the truth, I need the truth, even if it’s just a sentence.”

She sincerely pray to him. She had never begged anyone so hard for the truth for answer.

Ji Ying Song finally said, “Okay.”

Faced with such a request, even hard-hearted people were moved.

“Then, I’ll wait for you at the café opposite the Li Mansion.”

“Miss Shen, I’m on a business trip, what do you want to know, just ask directly, I can answer you immediately.”

Xie Yi is not polite to him, she asked directly: “How did Li Ze Liang’s legs disappear?”

“Car Accident.”

“What car accident? Car accident in the same place as me?”

Ji Ying Song thought about it and said slowly: “ Yes, he drove desperately to chase you that day, and when your car fell, he happened to see it in the back. His car also suddenly lost control and rushed to the roadside pile, bleeding heavily from his right leg….”

Ji Yong Song said delicately, and every word was like a needle point piercing into the heart of Xie Yi.

Here is the truth. After the car accident , Li Ze Liang jumped into the river with her, and by that time his leg injury was already very serious. He broke the glass with his bare hands in the water, rescued her, and then used his last ounce of strength to push her to the shore. When he was rescued by Schneider and his son and sent to the hospital after floating for a long time, the muscle of his right leg was necrotic and could only be removed.

“Then...” Her left hand gripped the right hand holding the phone tightly to stop its shaking, “If he hadn’t lost time or if he hadn’t jumped into the river to save me, would his leg has been saved?”

Ji Yong Song was silent for a long time, and finally split out an answer, “Yes.”

Xie Yi closed her eyes: “Thank you.”

“Miss Shen,” Ji Ying Song said, “Please don’t blame yourself, the inertia at that time needless to say that he wanted a leg, even if he was one life against another, he would not hesitate at all.”

This time, Xie Yi didn’t say anything more, just gently hung up the phone.

The last words of comfort were originally rare sentences that came out of Ji Yong Song’s mouth, but unfortunately they were a great irony for her.

At that time, at that night, when her heart ached so much that she couldn’t sleep, her hated for him was a poison that could not be dissolved, drop by drop, penetrating into the bone marrow, the eroding those once sweet pasts to pieces. However, now all feelings are pieced together bit by his deep affection and slowly repaired.

Gradually , she see the memories that are as clean as new. She suddenly felt that she didn’t even have the strength to hate him.

From beginning to end, he had never said he loved her for so many years, but when the truth was peeled back layer by layer, he found that the weight of their superposition had already exceed those three words a thousand times.

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