Extra-1 LZL & XY's Married Life

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Li Ze Liang never removes his prosthesis and goes out, even if he sits in a wheel chair a few times, he has to wear a prosthesis until his body is a last resort. Therefore, except for those few insiders, Li Shi only thought that he was a little lame, and didn’t know that he was actually amputated.

   Therefore, when Li Ze Liang appeared in front of the public for the first time in a wheel chair without a prosthesis , it did cause a sensation.

“You have to face each other, don’t you?” Xie Yi encourages him.

   At that time, they had just married, and the doctor mentioned that he should wear less prosthetics, and it was a psychological disorder.

  “Will I look like a monster?” He always felt that he did not wear a prosthesis, like a person without clothes, and he felt naked and being examined.

  Xie Yi smiled and coaxed him: “It’s not that you haven’t looked in the mirror. If my husband is also called a monster, how dare other men go out to meet people? Handsome into such a monster, it is estimated that everyone want one.”

   That day, she sent Li Ze Liang to the company. When he got out of the car, he sat in a wheelchair with the help of crutches. As soon as he looked down, she found that his shoelaces were scattered, and squatted down to tie them for him.

   They became husband and wife, although Li Ze Liang was like a bird with folded wings, and the two could not fly together, but at least, they could be rely each other.

   She has been relying on him since she was a child, and she wants him to help with everything. Now that she has grown up and can be independent, she should naturally support him when he is weak.

   “Come on!!!” Xie Yi squeezed his hand tightly, and at that moment, she actually noticed that his palm was sweating.
He was nervous.

   That crippled leg will always be the darkest place in his heart that is difficult to touch. He suddenly lost it when his youth was at its most wanton, Such an impact is unimaginable. He was really hard to face.

   But no matter how difficult it is, it has become an inevitable fate after all. He knew that she would only let go if he was truly relieved.

   That’s why he was willing to give up that almost paranoid pride and stubbornness and do what the doctor said.

  Thinking of this, Xie Yi felt a sudden heat in her heart, and her eyes were a little damp, but she smiled and diverted the topic and said: “When you proposed to me, I didn’t see you so excited.”

  He was not in the mood to answer, but the corner of his mouth reluctantly pulled a smile out.

   Later, she pushed him to appear in the Li Mansion. Along the way, many people greeted respectfully while politely looking away from curiosity. Even if they disguised it so well, Xie Yi could see the surprise.

    And Li Ze Liang’s face seem to be covered with a layer of frost, even if he is in a wheelchair and shorter than everyone, but such an awe inspiring look  and momentum is still the Li Ze Liang who has a bird’s eye view of all living beings, making people dare not easily raise their eyes and look directly.

  The two took the elevator together to Li Ze Liang’s office, and the moment they closed the door, it seemed to return to a safe space.

   “How?” His eyebrows suddenly softened again, when he faced her.

“Not bad, but….”

“But what?” He frowned.

   “Do you know,” she smiled slightly, “A yan, your expression just now is completely like a hedgehog like a great enemy, how cute.”

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now