Chapter 59

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Chapter 60 11-3

He turned his face away, coughed awkwardly, and said, "Come in."

After saying that, he put her in it and put it on the sofa. He was about to get up to take off his coat, but was freely grasped by the shirt.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"You can't be snatched away by others." She said sadly.

He paused, sat next to her, raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that you are not drunk at all."

She blushed suddenly, and said anxiously: "Why am I not drunk? I'm just drunk..."

At this point, she suddenly felt that her explanation was superfluous.

She glanced at Li Ze Liang again.

The man was trying very hard to hold back his laugh, his appearance was completely gloating after piercing her trick. She turned into anger for a while, rushed to open her mouth and wanted to bite him badly. Unfortunately, she didn't expect to drop her mouth. Seeing that the angle of her chin was better, she opened her mouth and bit his chin.

What surprised her was that the taste was so good, so she couldn't help but bite twice.

She had very sharp teeth, and even though she didn't work hard when she bit someone, her eyebrows were both wrinkled together. She giggled.

"Xie Yi." He rubbed his chin.


"It hurts me," he said.

"How come, I bit it lightly." Although she said that, she couldn't help but leaned over and took a closer look. As expected, there were a few shallow tooth marks on the skin of his chin.

She muttered guiltily, then touched the teeth marks with her fingertips, "Ayan, I'm sorry..."

Then she blew into them childishly.

Her fingers were itchy and crisp on the skin, her face was close at hand, and her lips were pursed and blown out. The breath disturbed his mood.

He tilted his head inwardly and sealed her mouth.

Her eyes widened in surprise first, and then gradually eased. This is very different from her splashy kiss, which can disrupt the rhythm of her breathing in a few seconds.

His kiss was a little rusty, a little tentative, and he didn't dare to push straight into her mouth, just licking it shallowly. 

Xie Yi in his arms adjusted her breathing hard, then put her hand on his shoulder, opened her mouth slightly, and responded to him in a green and beautiful way.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he hugged her arm and added some force to make her press closer to him.

During the lingering, her mind became dizzy from a semi-awake state, as if standing in the clouds all at once. For a while, she felt like she was holding a piece of chocolate, the silky smooth feeling stuck on the tip of my tongue, and then melted away bit by bit.

This time, she seemed to be really drunk.

Finally, each other's lips and tongues separated, she opened her eyes timidly, but did not dare to look at his face, panting lightly and leaning on his chest. And the soft touch on the lips stayed for a long time.

Li Ze Liang calmed his mind and said slowly: "The one at the door doesn't count, this is the first kiss."


"There are so many whys." He has a black face.

Hou Xiaodong once said to her that Li Ze Liang is a race that is not easy to get close to, but once he does not exclude the other person from approaching, it means that she has succeeded in half.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now