Extra-2-Before Wedding

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T/N: The extra episode are not link each other.

Sorry for long waiting time .

Here enjoy!!!


     The time of the story is after Li Ze Liang proposed marriage, before the two held a wedding ceremony.

    On the way, Xie YI suddenly asked Li Ze Liang : “When did you start to fall in love with me?”

    He was speechless.

     “You used to annoy me, but then you suddenly fell in love with me.”

     “Look ahead.” He sat in the passenger seat and reminded her , ignoring her words.

     Their car encountered traffic jams, and they stopped and walked all the way, relying on talking to pass the time.

      However, he didn’t answer her words, and he couldn’t help but mumble a few words.

     The car in front moved a few meters, and she continued to follow behind.

    After a while, Li Ze liang asked, “What about you?”

    Although there was a long time gap between these two sentences, Xie Yi still understood what he was referring to , so she smiled and said: “It’s not a matter of long term love.”

    “Love for a long time?” Li Ze Liang turned to look at her.

    Xie Yi pursed her lips and smiled. She lied to him.

    In fact, the answer she wants to say is much more superficial than the four words that is “long term love.”. Why? Because the first thing that fancy is his appearance, and then she fall in love with everything about him.

    It all started when he stood up in the indifferent crowd of the subway to give up his seat for her mother.

    At that time, she saw the same uniform on him and began to inquire about him.

    At that time, Li Ze Liang may never have noticed how dazzling he was.
He is a transfer student, has good grades, does not like to deal with people, play basketball very well, and is completely unquestionable school grass in school polls.

    Sketch is not very popular with boys, and they all see her detouring away, and they are said to have an attitude that they cannot afford to hide……

    In this regard, she said to Zhan Dong Zhen indignantly: “What’s so great? I can’t look at them yet!!!”

    Zhan Dong Zhen didn’t squeak.

    She added, “I’m going to make the brightest boy in our school fall under my pomegranate skirt.”

     Seeing her swearing, Zhan Dong Zhen couldn’t help it.

    “Which boy?”

    “A senior, handsome, good at studying, and gave up a seat for my mother.”

    When she spoke of those things, her eyes lit up.

   “This person’s image is so brilliant?”

    “Well, I like him."


     What does it mean to have a will, there is a way? Here is an example.

    As the buildings , outside the car window kept changing, Li Ze Liang began to watch them fall into deep thought.

    What exactly did he start falling in love with her?

     It was not that he did not think about it, but for a while he did not dare to touch this problem, as if as soon as he fell into memory, his soul was painfully out of the body, and he could not find a reason to return to reality.

    What day was the first time she hit his heart?

    She shouted “Li Nan Yan , come on!!!" and rushed out of the runway? Or.....

    She pestered him like a scoundrel, “I call you A Yan, right?"

    No , neither.

     But when she ran away from home, she regarded him as the only reliance in the world, and guarded the door of his house for two whole days.

    At that time, this girl became a soft place in his heart.

     He was rebellious since childhood, extremely impatient, and with his brain, he never seriously studied for a day. All relatives and friends had a headache when they mentioned the second eldest of the Li family.

    His father was strict with him, but his mother was extremely protective.

    Over time, the adults went with him.

     When the couple was young, they wanted to have more children, but when the eldest son was fourteen years old, they had a second one.

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