Chapter 67

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Chapter 12 Part V

The next day, the sky was heavily hazy and the clouds were extremely low.
Qiao Hanmin suddenly wanted to send materials to Li Shi. Xie Yi took the material and blinked, isn’t it too coincidental. Or may be yesterday she didn’t grasp it, and today God gave it another chance.
When she arrived at Li’s sales division, the sales manger actually said that he also wanted her to be sent to the president’s room. When she heard this place, her heart soared. Yesterday she delievered it to his door, but Li Ze Liang was a green bean, not in oil and salt. But isn’t today’s coincidence too abnormal?
She passed in front of Xiao Lin, and Xiao Lin smiled: “Mr.Li is waiting for you inside.” Then he went downstairs to get busy with something else.

Xie Yi opened her mouth and there was a feeling of being calculated.
She knocks, enter and closed.

His office is on the top floor of the Li Building, and behind his desk is a  single piece of glass, giving the impression of overlooking the city. With his back to her, he stood in front of the floor to ceiling glass to look at the scenery, and only turned around when he heard a knock on the door.

“I’ll send the documents.” Standing in the doorway, she said, “They said they wanted to show you first.”

He walked around the table and took the paperwork. He looked really seriously and didn’t speak for a long time. She was a little frustrated, she thought that she could appear here so logically, not because of the opportunity given by God but because of his making.

Although it was much better than the previous times, he ridiculed her without meeting her, but he still ignored her so much.

Xie Yi is a little frustrated, this is the office, unlike yesterday at home, it is more difficult to find any topics and excuses to stay. Now he was looking at the folder stupidly, and she was completely thick here , skinny, superfluous people. So, she hung her head and said: “I’m leaving.”

The moment she turned, he unexpectedly reached out and grabbed her wrist, and she looked back in surprise. His movement were light, so it didn’t initimiate her, but it really surprised her .

Seeing Xie Yi staring at himself so surprised. Li Ze Liang looked away slightly, let go of her hand, and immediately squeezed out a sentence.
“I happen to be downstairs to have something, let’s go together.”

Xie Yi glanced at him again and obediently followed.

On the way, he met Manager Wei of the Planning Department, and he nodded and said with a smile: “Mr. LI, hello.”

“Hmm.” Li Ze Liang didn’t stop, so Manager Wei followed along and said, “I’m looking for you.”

“Are you in trouble?” Li Ze Liang said and then entered the elevator and followed in.

Manager Wei was about to take a step inside, but was indifferently swept away by Li Ze Liang’s gaze, and his heart was cold, and he hurriedly corrected: “I’ll sit down.”

The elevator closed the door.

There was only two of them inside, and he still had the information in his hand. The way he looks in a suit is completely different from when he used to study Shape. The first time she came to Li, she also met him while riding the elevator, and she was so obsessed with watching his shadow on the elevator door.

But Xie Yi felt that something was wrong, as if the elevator was not moving.
Li Ze Liang also seemed to suddenly realize the problem, and his eyes moved to the floor button, only to find that they had forgotten to press the button. He got closer, so he reached out and pressed “1”.

Such an action caused the folder in his hand to accidentally slide to the ground.
He was about to lean over to pick it up, but before he bent down. She knew that bending over was a bit uncomfortable for him, so she quickly picked it up for him.

It was then that she returned the things to him, but she felt her scalp tighten , and her hair was stuck in the buttons of his suit. Her hair has been left for a long time, and she has never been short except  for simple trimming, so it is already very long.

Today, before she came to Li’s, she specially put her hair down and tidied up beautifully before leaving.

“Don’t move.” He tucked the information under his armpits and freed his hands to help her undo her hair.

Her posture was uncomfortable , and her body could not stand upright. Not knowing whether he intended it or not, she moved half a step closer, and her head naturally rested on his. She buried her head and watched as his fingers untangle the tangled strands of hair little by little. He was very careful, did not hurt her at all, and the gentle movements were like touching the tip of the heart. At that moment, she was somewhat attached.

“Okay” He said.

Xie Yi smiled embarrassedly, and then straightened up the waistboard.

The hair was unbuttoned, but it was still wrapped around his fingertips, so they will still so close. She raised her head to meet his gaze. He looked at her without saying a word, unable to hide the complicated look in his eyes, there was a greed, timidity, expectation….his Adam’s apple moved, his eyes were a little confused , and then he stopped her hair and kissed her slowly.

The shallow kiss, with timidity and temptation, the long-last intimacy made the Xie Yi’s heart tremble slightly.
His lips were a little cold, but unusually soft, he had never kissed her in such a careful way, and it felt as if he was afraid that he would scare her away with a slight force.

Suddenly, the elevator didn’t know where to go down and stopped halfway. In a panic, she immediately pushed him away and moved away from him.

When the elevator doors opened, there was no one outside. However, when the two returned to the enclosed space, the atmosphere was no longer the same. The action of Xie Yi pushing him away makes him fall back into the cruel reality.

Li Ze Liang looked away and explained lightly: “it was a kiss goodbye just now, you don’ have to pay attention to it.”
Suddenly, he was back to being the incomprehensible Li Ze Liang.

There was still a gentle touch on her lips, and now when she heard such a sentence, her heart ached, she didn’t believe it, she didn’t believe that his kiss was a parting mentality. She wanted to ask again, opened her mouth, and felt that it was futile, and when he was hard-mouthed, he insisted on forcing him to answer something, which was simply boring to himself. He would only arm himself in a vicious way, saying those words to hurt her and hurt himself.

“Ayan.” Xie Yi called him.

Li Ze Liang heard those two warm words and turned his head slightly surprised. Xie Yi took the opportunity to wrap her arms around his neck and quickly pressed her lips up.

At that time, he was really afraid that she was pushed him away like that, and then said grimly:” Miss Shen, please treat yourself with dignity.”

If he did, she wasn’t sure if she would still have the courage to see him again. So she pulled him closer, without leaving the slightest slit for him to swirl or refuse, and kissed him urgently and unfamiliarly, anxiously tossing and sucking and licking on his lips, eagerly awaiting his response.

He shook slightly, and his thoughts and movements stopped for a second before he began to kiss back.

She doesn’t know if it was too long or too impulsive, he kissed very intense.

He held her tightly in his arms, as if to rub it into his heart. The other hand held her head, forcing her to get close to him. No longer with timidity like Fang Cai, but like a tide, it robbed her of her breath without giving any gaps.

Once again, his folder fell to the floor, the contract fell apart, and while A4 paper spilled all over the floor.

She never figured out why a man’s lips kissed so soft and sweet, as long as entanglement would make people addicted, like opium. She knows that she can’t touch it, but once it’s stained, it will make people sink willingly. Is it the same as him, once there is a relationship, even if the sky is broken, he wants to continue to love?

It didn’t matter how many times the elevator was turned on and closed again, how many people looked at them in amazement, or how many people turned away in embarrassment.

She only knew that she wanted Ah Yan to love her, and she didn’t want to pay attention to what others said, how they looked, and what they thought. He is her joy, her joy, her happiness, even her whole world….

Ayan is Xie Yi, always and forever.

“Xie Yi” He kissed her, slowly whispering a little out of control, “Don’t leave me, don’t forget me, and don’t remember me but pretend to be a stranger . Believe it or not, if you do that to me again, I’m going to be crazy, I’m going to be crazy.”

With tears in her eyes, she didn’t leave:" I will never leave A Yan again, and I won’t leave if you leave.”

On that day, the cold north wind was blowing in City A, mixed with a drizzle, but the whole body was warm. After so many years , her heart has never been so relaxed. The feeling living for herself turned out to be so free.

She sat in the taxi back to Tong Qiao and giggled all the way. Occasionally recall her and him was so ashamed that she was ashamed to death when he kissed in front of so many people, and she couldn’t help but cover her face with her hands again. The driver was a young driver, who saw her strange behavior looked at her suspiciously from time to time.

When he looked at herself strangely again, she simply turned to him and said, “I’m in love again.”

The young man couldn’t help but laugh at her.

“Congratulations, then give you a song.”

After the young man finished speaking , he turned on the stereo and played the “I love You.”


Look at your happiest reflection from your eyes

The tacit understanding held in the palm of the hand is the guide for tomorrow

No matter what century it is

Embrace in heaven or wander in the wilderness

I love you I dare to go to any unknown fate

I love you and I want to allow you to decide the borders of the world

Ocassionally I really don’t understand you, and who really understands themselves

Offen how close two people are is through hurt

Like anxiety, I’m willful

Afraid of leaking, you are afraid, so you are angry

I love you let me listen to your exhaustion and fear

I love you I want to kiss your stubborn heart to the limit

I hold up all my love to surround the forbidden place of wind and rain

Sheltering from the storm wants you to catch your breath

Broken faith takes time to heal

Dreams are haunted with doubts, and the future is not clear

Just hug tightly to transmit energy and courage

I love you I love you I want to go to any unknown destiny

I love you Let me listen to your exhaustion and fear

I love you I want to kiss your stubborn heart to the limit

Everywhere we go together, look up at the stars together

Get out of the forest and savor memories together

Misunderstanding and jealously together, raining and sunny together

Understand yourself better together and find meaning together.


Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now