Extra 4-1 Shao Qing Story

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If she ask Xie Ming Hao for the moon in the sky, he won't just pick a star.

Not only Xie Ming Hao, but many people around her is like that.

Zhan Dong Zhen alone is a little different.

He has been a delicate to a bit feminine child since he was a child. No wonder Xie Yi has been bullying him and telling him to pretend to be a girl. These really made her even more disdainful of him.

He was born outside by Uncle James. The Zhan family has three sons, he is the eldest, but because of his status, he always doesn't like to talk at home, even her family rarely visits. His two younger brothers are both.  A Dou who can't afford to support them. They know all day long that gambling, betting on horses, and fooling around with women will ruin the family. So even if Zhan Dong Zhen is no good, he is better than the two younger brothers, Uncle Zhan's hope is pinned on him.

But Zhan Dong Zhen is also a strange person, as long as he is allowed to speak in a crowded place, he will definitely blush.

She once listened to him freely and laughed at him: "Your boy's family, why is this?"

"What should it be?" he asked her back.

The only girl he was willing to get close to was Xie Yi, as if getting along with her would not be uncomfortable.

Many opposite sexes of the same age always think that Zhan Dong Zhen is very arrogant, and they are unwilling to say a word to them. In fact, she later found out ridiculously that he was not proud, but embarrassed.

Xie Yi also said: "A real boy, he should stand upright, don't bend over the top of Mount Tai..."

In order to hear clearly, she walked in a few steps.

They were chatting, but they noticed her footsteps and stopped. Xie Yi glanced at her, and closed her mouth in a whisper.

She sneered: "I heard the buzzing of two flies as soon as I got home. I was about to call someone to shoot to death. I didn't expect it to be two people."

Zhan Dong Zhen lowered his head and said nothing.

Xie Yi but coldly sneered, "Does the fly scream? Have you never read, Miss? There is a buzzing sound of flapping wings."

At that time, Xie Yi's was small, but her mouth was very annoying. She doesn't know how the woman who always pretends to be virtuous and virtuous gave birth to such a brutal and bitter daughter.

She was slightly angry: "Su Xie Yi, this is not your home. Don't always sneak to my dad to act like a baby while I'm away."

"Dad is not yours alone. I am also his daughter. He asked me to come."

"Unless I die, this family will never welcome you."

She retorted: "Whether you want to die or live, he is also my father."

She ran up angrily, "Get out! Wild! Get out of-"

She tried to throw the handbag at her as she said, but she didn't want Zhan Dong Zhen to protect Xie Yi behind him.

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