Chapter 28

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Chapter 29 6-1

Yang Wangjie was hesitating in his office early in the morning about whether he should call Yin Xiaomei.

He questioned Hong Qing for a long time yesterday, and Hong Qing refused him because she thought the patient kept it secret. But the more she said this, the more Yang Wangjie felt that Xie Yi's illness was a little strange.

"Why do you have to know?" Hong Qing asked.

"I would like to know."

"This is not a necessary reason, wait until you find a way to fully persuade me, Xiao Yang."

"Sister Qing." Yang Wangjie begged a little.

"No, this is a matter of professional ethics."

Being raised to this height, Yang Wangjie had no choice but to give up, "Then... forget it."

"Xiao Yang, are you wrong?" Hong Qing said.


"You have a different relationship with Freehand?"

"How is it possible." Yang Wangjie smiled helplessly.

Hearing his sour tone, Hong Qing understood.

"Do you like Miss Shen?"

"In the past, probably a bit." Yang Wangjie covered the past vaguely.

"Then you really let her go, Xiao Yang," Hong Qing said, "Xie Yi is a nice girl, but it's not suitable for you."

Seeing how serious she was saying, Yang Wangjie smiled instead, "Sister Qing, your career is wrong." Special counselor.

What he said made Hong Qing really feel that Shen Xie Yi had an extraordinary position in Yang Wangjie's heart. Her little brother has rarely had any entanglements with girls before, and there are rare emotional scenes in life. So a bunch of big brothers and sisters were very anxious for him.

She just heard that he and the eldest lady of the Yin family have been very close recently, but she doesn't know what he has to do with her patient Shen Xie Yi. Now it seems that if she doesn't tell him, he is also upset. She thought about it a little, and made up her mind. Then she simply became an irresponsible doctor.

"Actually, she is not sick. It is also serious if it is serious, and it is not serious if it is not serious," she said.

"Huh?" Yang Wangjie was confused.

"She has amnesia."


"Psychogenic amnesia." Hong Qing added.

"Impossible." Yang Wangjie opened his eyes wide, "I don't understand the types of amnesia, but Xie Yi can't have amnesia. She is usually the same as normal people, and she can't see that she has a very forgetful personality."

"There are also many kinds of mental amnesia. Some people forget everything, including themselves, some people remember some people and forget others, some people remember the front and forget the back, and some people remember others but just know. Forget the most important things. Are you sure she remembers everything?"

Hong Qing didn't say clearly, but asked him back. She guessed that Yang Wangjie must have been questioning her because she had doubts in her heart. If he didn't believe it, he didn't see the clue.

"Why is this?"

"She was transferred to me two years ago. It is said that the symptoms appeared only after the car accident in the medical record. But it is not necessarily, maybe it is a family inherited disease, maybe it is a kind of idiosyncratic psychology produced after a huge blow. Self-protection may be caused by the violent collision of the head in a car accident. You must know that the most mysterious part of human beings is the brain. Many psychological phenomena are still in the exploratory stage and there is no conclusion."

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