Chapter 62

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Chapter 63 11-6

The Li's stock fell again and again, and he actually abandoned it like that, hiding in the place where they had been together and sinking, it was not Li Ze Liang who she knew at all. However, he would definitely not let himself go for too long, she knew him.

Feel free to go home and stay alone for several days before returning to Tang Qiao to work. She knows intermittently that Li Ze Liang has returned to the Li family and is actively raising funds. The endgame is not unmanageable. Besides, a man like him, as long as he doesn't give up, nothing seems to be able to knock him down.

A city is said to be a big city. If there is no intersection and fate, then the two separated lovers who live in Nancheng and Beicheng may not meet each other for a lifetime. She and Qiao Hanmin went to Westin to meet a client, but met Li Ze Liang there.

As soon as he got on the elevator, Qiao Hanmin noticed that he had left a document in the car, so he asked Xie Yi to go back to the parking lot to pick it up.

She came out of the parking lot and took the elevator to the multi-function hall. When she got there, she found that she didn't know all the people present, and she seemed to have a wrong memory. After confirming the place on the phone, it was discovered that it was another place on the same floor.

She fell back and walked in the other direction, and when she was passing the elevator, with a sound of "dingdong——", the elevator stopped, and then the two doors opened slowly. She saw three people in the elevator, one is Ji Yingsong, one is Xiaolin, and the other is Li Ze Liang.

He didn't have a prosthesis, he was sitting in a wheelchair with a folder in his hand, and he was reading with a frown.

The first person who saw the freehand brushwork was Ji Yingsong, "Miss Shen..."

Li Ze Liang's expression suddenly stopped, and then slowly raised his eyes from the document, but when he saw her feet outside the elevator, he buried himself and continued to talk to Ji Yingsong.

Xiaolin and Yingsong said, "Miss Shen, what a coincidence."

She smile and nodded.

They happened to be on this floor too, and Ji Yingsong pushed Li Ze Liang down the elevator.

Xiaolin deliberately said: "Did Ms. Shen happen to find Mr. Li that day? Then I and Manager Ji will go in first, and you will talk slowly."

She didn't know that the matter she wanted to talk about was settled in City C. And the solution is relatively broken.

After Xiao Lin finished speaking, Ji Yingsong quickly disappeared.

"I called it because of the agreement last time." She explained in a hurry.

"I know." He said lightly.

Then there was some coldness, so she said freely, "There are still people waiting for me over there, I'm leaving first."

After that, she bypassed and prepared to leave.

As she passed by Li Ze Liang's side, he suddenly said coldly: "I have missing books on my bookshelf, have you seen it?"

"Uh..." she was immediately embarrassed, "I took the wrong thing."

"Then when are you going to pay it back?"

"I... I'll send you back when I have time."

"What time is it free?" he asked aggressively.

"Tonight." She had no choice but to answer. What kind of treasure broke the book she didn't see him turning over it a few months ago, but now it seems that he will be wiped out if he doesn't see it immediately.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now