Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 4--1

Yang Wangjie's daily life is very ordinary, working from 9 to 5, two o'clock and one line, and working overtime on Saturday.

His home is in a county hundreds of kilometers away, so it is not easy to stay in City A after graduating from university. There is no background in the family, and both parents are retired workers in the county.

Because he has studied in City A for four years, and he has been in this business for several years, he knows a lot of friends. But knowing Shen Xie Yi is purely a coincidence.

He just took his annual leave that week and went back to his hometown. His mother was a little worried about him still single state, so she called her cousin who was also in City A and gave the task to the old sister.

He is not deliberately single, but always feels that since there is no such suitable person, he will look at it later.

On weekends, her cousin invited her to eat at home.

"Wangjie, what do you want? Tell me your cousin for your reference."

"It's good if you get along." He didn't know how to answer, and said casually.

From a realistic point of view, at least the other party does not have the financial burden of the family.

"Then Ye's right."

"Just do it." Facing her cousin's straightforwardness, he was a little embarrassed.

"There is a nice girl in your brother-in-law's company. She has a very self-reliant personality, unlike some young people who are crazy nowadays," said the cousin. "It's also a foreign country."

Then, he was given a photo.

It was a group photo, and Yang Wangjie followed the person pointed by his cousin. The young girl in the midst of a group of people was a little tall and thin, and she was the only one grinning when taking pictures.

Seeing this expression, Yang Wangjie couldn't help but smile.

But she had said since the first time he met him to send her off.

"I... I don't know if Wu Weiming called me here because the couple wanted to introduce us to each other."

"Maybe saying these words will make you uncomfortable and make you think I am self-righteous. But I really don't have the idea of ​​starting a family now."

"I... Mr. Yang... If you think I'm too frank, it makes you hate. I apologize."

"Actually... we can be ordinary friends. Of course, if you don't like me, you don't have to force it."

Freehand stammered a lot of words.

Of course Yang Wangjie understood.

After several contacts, he discovered that the girl really only regarded him as a normal friend, as if the relationship would never turn over. Especially at that wedding banquet, he saw it very clearly from a distance.

That Li Ze Liang was very unusual to her.

He always felt that his freehand approach to others was sincere and calm, without the twitchy attitude of a little girl. But it was different in front of Li Ze Liang, she was actually blushing because of the man's inadvertent action or word.

Sometimes the authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear.

Fortunately, from the first day of acquaintance, freehand has told him the ending clearly and plainly, so he didn't feel much uncomfortable at the time, but was slightly regretful.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now