(Chouzetsu/ Turbo) Demon Shu Kurenai x Introverted Reader

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Request by JoyceTan946

Sorry that I make story for week because I have many homework that teacher gave me since last friday.

Onto the story

Normal (POV)

In our world, many people are being friendly, talkative and caring for each other except one people who doesn't like them and an orphan which a parents are pass away.

It was (Y/N) (L/N). An introverted person who always being so quite really not like befriend with others except her close friend, (R/N). She always like being friend with (Y/N) also like spent time with her and help her when she got problem.

After school, (Y/N) and (R/N) were walking through the street then (R/N) spoke, "Hey, (Y/N)," "Hmmm. What is it, (R/N)?" (Y/N) asked her, in lazy tone. "Do you know that the demon is real?" she asked her, kinda little excited to wanna know.

"No, why," "Because someone say that demons are real and the demon sometime appears every time." (R/N) said at her until they reached to (Y/N)'s house. "(R/N) there's no demon in our world and also demon are not real." (Y/N) said, kinda upset as (R/N) frowned.

"But (Y/N), the demon is real." "Whatever, (R/N). I'm tired what you talking about. Better I'm going to my house and do it my homework. See ya, (R/N)." with that, (Y/N) goes inside her house while (R/N) stared at her friemd disbelief that (Y/N) doesn't believe  the demon is real.

"Well, I guess I won't being pushy with her. Welp, I better ho back to my house." (R/N) walked back to her house while thinking about the demon. (A/N: Oh my goosh)

~ At the underworld ~

There are many demons with their spirit helper, including they have their own mate, except for the king demon, Shu Kurenai. He was just sitting on king chair while he watching others demons doing with bored and lonely. Why? Because he doesnt had mate unlike them. He want search his perfect mate in this underworld but no one is better than other. Just then, his spirit helper, Spryzen, suddenly appear beside king demon.

"Hey, why are you spacing?" Spryzen asked as the king demon sighed annoyingly and look at it. "Well, I was thinking where can I find my mate. Why you ask?" Shu wondered then Spryzen said, " Nothing. I just asking you only." "Hmph! You no helping!" Shu frowned madly at Spryzen.

"Hehe, sorry." just then Shu got idea what to do. "Hey, Spryzen, can you give me a crystal ball?" Shu pleased as Spryzen nodded and use his power to get the crystal ball then give to him.

"Here you go, young king~," Spryzen sing sanged at him as Shu took it and glare at it. "Thanks and I'm not young ok," "Alright, alright, see ya." with that Spryzen just vanished and go somewhere else, leave King demon alone as Shu facepalmed at his spirit helper. (A/N: Poor Shu-kun)

Shu (POV)

After Spryzen gone, I hold the crystal ball to search my mate. Just then, crystal ball was glowing which mean it can search location from human world. After crystal ball stop glowing, it showed there a girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes was doing her homework. I smirked devilishly at her then I think she will be my mate.

"I guess I'll go to the human world," I says and ready to go to the human world as I use my portal power and entered it.

Your (POV)  ~ In nighttime ~

I'm done doing my homework so that I sleep for school tomorrow. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower. After that, I wear my pyjamas then sleep on my bed with the deep slumber. Little did I know that someone watching me when I sleep but I ignored it.

Shu (POV)

Now I'm at human world, it's night already so no one can see me. I walked through the street to find my mate house. Just then, I found her house after their houses then I climbed the tree as I watch her sleep at the window.

Wait until she slept, I entered the window, quitely to not wake her up. I looked at her, she look so cute when she sleep. I smiled then picked her up, bridal style as I open the portal and went to it till reach to the underworld.

~ Back to the Underworld 🔥~

I'm finally arrived the Devils Castle, still holding her. I can't help but smile at her in sleeping form then my best friend, Valt Aoi, came to me.

"Hey, Shu! You back!" Valt says, happily that I'm back this dimension. "Yes, Valt. I'm back and don't talk so loud. She's still sleeping." I said as Valt apology at me then look at my mate.

"So... this is your mate, Shu?" Valt asked me as I nodded with smiled at him. "See, I know you can find your mate and she looks so cute and perfect being couple." Valt said till my face little red.

"Ok, Valt. I need to take her to my room. Catch you later." Valt nodded then me and him fist bum and he leave. I went to my bedroom and put her on my bed and give her butterfly kiss on her forehead as I went out of my room till she wake up.

Your (POV)

I woke up from the deep slumber as I glance at this place then I realize that.... It wasn't my room but it was others! Where am I?! Why am I here?! I panic with a million question on my head as I heard the door open and I saw..... a demon?! He had two black horns, his eyes were glowing red, sharp teeth and he wore a black and bloody red tuxedo. His skin was pale and was like having a little black shades under his eyes.

"You finally awake, my dear.~" the devil says seductively as he came closer to me as I stepped back. "Who are you? Where am I?" I asked him, try to be brave but the fear grow through my feeling that demon is real.

"Oh, how rude of me. My name is King demon in this castle, Shu Kurenai and you're in the underworld, dear." he said smile devilishly as he continued, "You're also my mate." I stared at him shocked as he smirked devilly. I'm really not intrested in him.

"No! I'm never gonna be your mate and I'm not really intrested with you." I said at him as he came closer to my face. "Aww, why not, little human." "Because everyone doesn't want me to be their friends and also someone are bullied me when they ask me to do their homework if I'm not accept it." I explained to him, feel sad about my past. He frowned.

"Aww, my dear. I'm sorry about your past. Don't worry, I'll take care of you and treat you better than anyone." he said with soft tone, surprising. My eyes widened. "A-Are you sure?" then he caressing my cheekwith his cold hand and said, "Yes, I'm sure. What's your name?" he asked, then I reply.

"It's (Y/N)." "That's a cute name." he said as I blush that no one call me like that. "Thank you, Shu." I thanked him as I saw him smirked. "You're welcome, (Y/N)." with that he gave me a dress from his power. A dress with all black, red strieks patterns from the chest and rose patterns below the dress. I took it.

"Here, change your cloth, I'll waiting you outside." I nodded az he left from his room. I stood up then go to the bathroom to shower. After that, I wear the dress that Shu gave me.

Normal (POV)

Meanwhile with Shu, he still waiting for (Y/N) when she change her dress from pajamas. Until (Y/N) came out of the room as he stared at her eyes widened. He think that (Y/N) like the dress that he gave to her, it make her look so pretty. King demon blush little.

"You're so beautiful, (Y/N)." he came to her and took her hand and kiss it. "Thanks, Shu." (Y/N) blushed as he said, "Let's go to eat lunch, shall we?" she nodded and with that they both eat lunch and make Shu look so happy that he find his perfect mate eventhough her personality is introverted.


1452 words

Thanks for your request. Hope you like my story and please gave me more request.


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