(Chouzetsu/ Turbo) Vampire Shu Kurenai x Reader

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Hello readers! This story about 'Vampire Shu' and he turned ever since he was Red Eye.

Hope you enjoy!!!!


(Normal POV)

Shu and (Y/N) had a relationship since kindergarten. When they were 5 years old, (Y/N) lived alone after her parents don't need her and they leave her alone without saying anything. Good news that her grandparents had to babysit with (Y/N), which she happy to have them.
At the beypark, (Y/N) was training all alone and she wanna become the best blader with her own kind. She didn't wamt to become a champion, she just want to beyblade for fun.

Just then, a certain albino boy was hiding behind the tree and look at the (h/c)nette was beyblading. He want to beyblade with her but he just shy and never be friend with someone, except his childhood friend, Valt and Xander.

After (Y/N) trained, she take her bey and about leave as she turned, she saw an albino boy was standing in front of her as she shocked. The boy had a shy smiled at her. She look at him confused as he spoke.

"H-Hello. Do you want to beyblade with me?" He asked with cutes red eyes. (Y/N) smiled as she nodded.

"Of course, you can." She accept at his decision. The albino look at her and blushed.

'She so kind.' He thought.

"My name is Shu Kurenai. What's yours?" He introduce and asked her.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N). Hope we can be friend, can't you?" She said in hoped that he want to be her friend or not. Shu smiled and reply.

"Of course we can, let's battle, (Y/N)." Shu said as she nodded and then they started beyblading. Many weeks later, (Y/N) and Shu now become closed friends and Shu like how kind she is. Long time passed, Shu had a feeling for her. (Y/N) didn't know about that.
In present

(Your POV)

It's been 2 months since I joined Raging Bull after Shu turned into himself again and he never forget about me except............................
He been acting weird and he always avoided me when I asked him what's wrong, then left without saying anything.

It's night already as I went to the kitchen to drink some water before I sleep. As I went to the kitchen, I feel......someone was stalking at behind. I shivered as I look at it, nothing. I sighed as I hurried to drink the water and not let the water get drop to her shirt.

Afer I drank the water, I rushed to my room as I open the door and went inside. Then, I closed the door. I sigh relieves as I went to bed and sleep for tomorrow I had a practice with Shu. Little did I know that someone was starring at me from outside. I then sleep and closed my eyes with calm.

(???? POV)

As she asleep, I opened the door slowly to not wake her up. As I went in her room, I look at her sleep peacefully at her bed and cover on her faced. I smiled as I went to her and stroke her cheek with my cold hand.

"She so cute." I mumbled as I moved my hamd away from her cheek. I look at her and frowned. I don't want to tell her about my true indentity after he cursed me when I wnat to get stronger. Then I went outside and closed the door as I went back to my room and sleep.
The next day

(Your POV)

I'm now at the training room to waited Shu for practice with like he said yesterday. A few minutes later, I heard the door opened and saw Shu came here with a smiled. My heart is beating fast as I calmed myself.

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