(Sparking/ Surge) Bunny Shu Kurenai x Reader

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Hello, dear readers!! You know why I'm doing this? Why? Because......I'm gonna pay for him what he had done to me at the other book!!😤

Shu: Excuse me?! I told you that I stopped calling you 'stupid angel! *mad at me*

Me: *doesn't care* Well, we'll see about that, albino!!

Hope you enjoy!!!


(Shu POV)

Hmmmmm, why my body feel so.........heavy and......dizzy through my head. I yawned as I get up from the sleeping yesterday, but....I can't get down from the bed. Not only that, I can......hopped like a bunny?!

I hopped down from the bed as I hopped again at above the tall mirror......it's true!! I had turned into a small white bunny.

What am I gonna to do?! That was closed that today I don't have a tournament after Asahi's brother become a champion in the Ultimate Tag Battle

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What am I gonna to do?! That was closed that today I don't have a tournament after Asahi's brother become a champion in the Ultimate Tag Battle. I'm now bunny, can I talk to people?

I don't know but I need someone to helped me to go somewhere else. Then, it hits me. Maybe (Y/N) can help me, but how?!

Then, the idea pop from my head. I hopped many times to go to the outside of the door that it's unlocked. I'm actually at Raging Bull, (Y/N) and Lane also stayed in here.
At training room

As I hopped to the training room, I heard the bey was spining at the beystadium. I confused who trained. I shook my head as I hopped again and saw.........my close friend, (Y/N).

She was training at this place for her to get stronger and want to defeat me. But too bad that she losed against me all the time. I don't mind as long as she beyblading for fun.

After she trained, she sat on the bench while drinking some mineral bottle. This is my chance. I hopped to her as I went to her legs and then nuzzled my head to get her attention.
(Your POV)

I'm so tired from the training. I wanna become the best blader in the world. Wow, I sound like Valt. Anyway, after I trained, I sat on the bench as I drink some mineral water.

Then I remember, Shu supposed to come here for train with me, but he didn't show up. I guess he had a paperworks or something.

After I drink, I feel a small thing was nuzzled at my left leg. I confused, as I look down......it was the small white bunny with the cute face and nuzzled it. So cute!!! Then, it stopped and look up to wanna me picked it up as I pick it.

"Hello, little bunny. Are you lost?" The bunny just make clingy on my both hands. I smiled as I put it on my laps. The bunny then stared at me with its crimson eyes. That bunny look so familiar.

"Hey, bunny. Do I know you? How did you get here?" The bunny then show its.....scar at its right eye. Looks familiar. I thinking...................it was Shu Kurenai?!

"Wait!!! Shu, is that really you?!" The bunny or the albino, Shu Kurenai, nodded at me. I dumbfounded. Why am I not noticed it. I sighed.

"Don't worry, Shu. You'll turn back to yourself again. I'm sure it." Shu's bunny ears twitched happily as he hopped. I caught him. He seem so happy.

"Ok, let's go to my room. I need to get some rest now." I stood up and went back to my dorm while I hold Shu. He looks so cute in the bunny form. I wonder when he turn to human back.
(Normal POV)

Three days later, (Y/N) was busy spending time with the albino bunny at her room, including brought him to go to the park to play some flower.

Shu seem so....happy that he found someone know who he was on his form.

After played, (Y/N) gave him some carrot to him eat. Shu just push the carrot away and want to eat some carbonara. (Y/N) facepalmed at his behaviour. Then, she cooked it. Also she know how to make some carbonara since Shu teached her.

After she cooked, Shu eat one per one of the spaghetti with small mushroom for suits him. Shu feel embarassing, (Y/N) chuckled at his reaction.

They ate it, as (Y/N) washed the dishes at the kitchen and then picked him up to get some sleep after the dinner.

At her dorm, she put him on the bed as she changed her clothes into pyjamas. She changed it at the bathroom so Shu won't see it. Little did (Y/N) know that Shu likes to see her body. What a pervert.

She changed it as she lay down on the bed and sleep for tomorrow. Shu then sleep beside her on the pillow and nuzzled his faced at her cheek. He thinks that was so soft and warm at her body.

(Y/N) smiled at him, she grabbed Shu slowly and pull him into a hug, like the child hugs the teddy bear but not to harsh. Shu face suddenly heated up at her warm body.

Then, he feel so sleepy as he close his eyes and sleep, and so do (Y/N).

(A/N: *giggled* Cute! Now it's time to turn him back to normal)
The next morning

She woke up and feel a warm body closer to her. (Y/N)nopened her eyes and saw..............Shu was now turn back to human again. But the most worst is that....his body was naked.

(Y/N) blushed madly as she covered him with the blanket and keep cool down from the blushed.

Shu then woke up from the sleep and feel.....his turned back as he opend his eyes and saw...(Y/N) was blushing. Shu confused and snapped at his thought.....his body was naked. Luckily (Y/N) covered him with the blanket.

"H-H-Hey, Shu. I-I-I-I see you turned back into human again." She chuckled nervously. Shu smirked as he wrapped his arms around her body and nuzzled his nosed against her neck like he did when he was bunny.

"Yeah, it's all thanks to you, (N/N). Thank goodness that you noticed me when I was bunny." Shu smiled. (Y/N) flashbacked as she smirked evilly.

"Yeah, who knows the albino boy likes to clingy on me and nuzzled at my legs so cute." (Y/N) teased, Shu blushed like his eyes as he groaned.

"(Y/N), stopped it!! Don't ruin our moment." She giggled.

"I won't." Actually no, she really likes teased him.

"And I love how your bunny ears were twitching so cute and likes to make so fluffy." Shu growled.

"(Y/N)!!!" Shu scolded at her. (Y/N) just enjoyed it as she teased at him again.


1164 words

Done!! There, happy now Kurenai!!

Shu: *rolled his eyes* Yeah, thanks for turning me back.

Me: *giggled* Sure.


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