(Chouzetsu/ Turbo) Sad Shu Kurenai x Insecured Reader

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Request by Aura_135.

Ok, is about reader is uninterest person and didn't like something very special. Reader was like cold-person, but in different way.

Hope you enjoy!!!


(Normal POV)

"Hey, (Y/N). Do you wanna train with me?" The albino asked nicely to his childhood. She just give him a cold look.

"Not interested. I'm leaving." Then, the (h/c) haired female leave him alone and went to her room to get a rest. Shu stared at her with the sad look that she rejected his offered.

You see, (Y/N) is an insecured female blader in raging bull and she also Shu's childhood friend along with Valt and Xander. Her past is her parents died in car accident and she live all by herself.

Until she met Shu and his childhood at the school. (Y/N) doesn't care if she had a friend or not. Shu noticed that and he asked her want to be a friend as she agree with it.

But then, Shu was missing at America and only found Red Eye at the snake pit. (Y/N) and her 'friends' were now realized that Red Eye was Shu all the time.

(Y/N) felt disappointed that Shu betrayed his friends, including (Y/N). After he losed at the International Blader Cup, Shu apologized to everyone and they forgive him.

Shu also apologized to (Y/N), but she didn't care and accept his apology. Then, Shu asked her to join team Raging Bull after Theodore quitted. In the end, she joined.


Back to present, Shu was in his room with the sad face. He know his childhood forgave him but not full happily to see he's back into himself.

"(Y/N), when you will accept my offer?" With that, he fell asleep and the tears fell down from his eyes.
(Your POV)

I was eating my lunch at the cafetaria alone amd clear my mind from yesterday. That albino keep asking me to training with him but I don't want it.

Shu sometimes like trained with Spryzen alone but this time he want me to be his partner. I sighed.

As I eat my lunch, a certain albino saw me eating alone in here as he approched to me with the soft smiled.

"Hey, (Y/N). Can I sit here?" I rolled my eyes and doesn't care he want to sit beside or not. He sat beside and eats his special carbonara.

"So, how are you, (N/N)?" He asked with that stupid nickname.

"Good." I said with the emotionless tone. Shu frowned at my action.

"Ok, also meet me at the training room. I begging on you." I nodded and said.....

"Yeah, whatever. As long as I got even stronger." Shu smiled as he 'kissed' me on the cheek. I blushed but keep cool down. Then, we continued ate.
After the lunch, me and Shu were trained and my bey was bursted after I losed against him. I need to train again, but it almost 4 hours we practice as we panted.

"Alright that's all for today." Finally, it's over. Then, I sat on the bench as I drink the mineral water that I stand by with. After that, I was about to go to my room as his words stop me.

"(Y/N), wait. Can I talk to you, in the private?" Shu asked, I sighed annoyence. What did he want? I was about to get some rest.

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" Then, he sat on the bench and get closer to me. He take a deep breath and said......

"(Y/N), I.......I want to say.......I like you." I stared at him disbelief. Does he really mean it? No, it's not as I glared at him with the cold stared.

"Why're you saying, Shu? I'm sorry and I don't like you, we're just friend." Shu eyes widened at my words as he look down with the sad expression.

"O-ok, I understand. If you excuse me." With that, he get up and walk away and I saw..... tears fell down from his eyes. My hearts feel arched to see he sad.

I don't know why he be like this. Now I feel regret, I rejected his confession. I sighed as I get up and went to my room and get some sleep. Tomorrow I need to apologize to him.
With Shu (Shu POV)

As I went to my room and lay down on my bed, I can't help but the tears keep fell after she rejected my feeling.

I know that her parents died from car accident, her emotions was vanished, doesn't care anything. I'm trying to help her and cheer for her.

But it seems that she don't want to be happy with me. I know how to make her happy after I made a big mistake when I was Red Eye. Also I didn't even destroyed her beys either.

I sighed as I went into a deep sleep. I guess I need to give her a space from before. She clearly didn't wanna be my girlfriend.
The next day

I was sitting on the bench at the rooftop and look at the sky, so beautiful, remind me when me and (Y/N) was kindergarten and sat on the grass, watched a birds chirp happily.

I smiled, I missed that memories, how can I forgot? Of clurse I do remember when she was all alone at the park.

As I watched, someone tapped my shoulder. I look behind and saw.......(Y/N) was look at me with the soft look and had a small smiled.

"Hey, Shu. Can I sit beside you?" She asked with the awkward look. I smiled.

"Sure you can." She then sat beside me with all silence. (Y/N) then spoke from the silent.

"Shu, I wanna apologized about....yesterday. I know how harsh I am that you give a chance about relationship but I rejected you. And I accept it" She said with the apology and had a sad smiled.

My eyes widened at her words. I smiled as I hugged her tightly and tears fell down from my eyes.

"It's ok, I forgive you and thank you for give me a second chance." I said with the sad smiled and hug her tightly. (Y/N) hugs me back, not that harsh.

"You're welcome and .......I like you- No, I mean, I love you." She confessed. I smiled even wider after heard she said to me.

"I love you too and I'm glad that I had you, (N/N)." Then, I let go from the hug. She smiled as she kissed my cheek, 'cause me blushed.

"Me too, Shu." Then, me and her continued our moment and watched the sky like when she was all alone.

'I'm so happy that I had you, (N/N).'
Bonus (Normal POV)

Two weeks later, (Y/N) now become more generous and had a sweet smiled ftom before. Shu was glad that (Y/N) was changed and didn't had a negative emotion.

Shu didn't feel sad anymore and (Y/N) always stay with him by their side. Fubuki saw how close they were and he smiled at them.


1225 words

Finally done!!! I'ms sorry that I wrote lately because I was doing a folio and many homeworks I made. Hope you like it.


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