(Demon Slayer AU) Demon Shu Kurenai x Phi's sister Pillar Reader

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Request by AkumaKibutsuji.

This one is about Shu is a demon and he was with his bff, Valt. Valt, Aiger and Dante were at the pillar/ hashira mansion about the last night.

Also, reader is a pillar along with her brother, Phi.

Hope you enjoy!!!


(Normal POV)

After the trio protagonists got injured very bad from slayed demon, the slayer guard brought the maroon haired and yellow haired boy went to (Y/N)'s estate.

By the way, (Y/N) is Phi's sister and she is Flames Pillar while Phi is Phoenix Pillar.

And now, (Y/N) and the rest of the pillar were bowing down after the Master came in front of the pillar.

Then, a bluenette boy who got tied the rope around his body was get bowed because Wakiya pushed his head down it.

"Master." Every pillar, including (Y/N), said with the low tone. Master greeted them back. After that, (Y/N) saw a blue flame pillar, Lui, was holding the wooden box.

That inside was Shu, he was sleeping in the box. Lui smirked as he stabbed Shu on his stomach as Shu screamed in pain, Valt stared at it in the horror.

"Shu!!!" Without thinking, Valt get up and rushed to him. Lui was about to slash his sword to Valt, but he jumped and....headbutted at Lui's forehead. Lui had a nosebleed.

Every pillar eyes widened as (Y/N) hold her laughter. Pillar look at (Y/N) confused.

"Excuse me." She mumbled in embarassing. Lui didn't give up as he went to the dark mansion, he cut his wrist to let the blood drop at the box for wait Shu went out.

Shu feel so....hungry for human food as he went out, stared at the blood was dripping, Lui smirked and waited patiently. Valt was worried as he rushed to it and screamed.

"Shu, you can do this!!" Lui scoffed, Shu breath heavily as he tried to control for the hunger. (Y/N) was staring at the demon albino with the pity look.

A few mintues later, Shu look away from the bleed, Lui was shocked at it as Valt sighed in relief. (Y/N) and Phi was surprised at the albino demon.

"What happen?" Master asked.

"It looks like the demon was controling from the hunger." His servant said. Master nodded, he glances at Valt with the smiled and said...

"So Valt Aoi, since your friend can control ftom it. I want to Ms. (L/N) and her brother Phi to take you to the estate tor get stronger and defeat demon, got it." Valt nodded agreement.

Shu is now went inside the box again and had an angry tone at the shark pillar. He was like this...

 He was like this

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(LOL😂😂😂. That's how Shu's like)

Then, the slayer guard brought him and Valt to their estate witn the super speed.

(Y/N) smiled as the went back to their estate too
(Your POV)

After the meeting, me and Phi went to the estate to get some rest. I also help the bluenette male and his friend with my special training.

"Hey, (Y/N)." I glances at Phi who calling my name.

"Yes, Phi."

"After we went there, I wanna make sure that demon won't hurt you when we help those kiddo trained. Got it." He warned, I sighed.

"I know, big bro. And I can protect myself and not a little kid anymore." Phi frowned.

"But, I'm just wanna to protect you, lil sis." He patted my head as I giggled at his words.

"Yeah, right. Now let's go." Then, we went to estate and do what master said.
2 days later

Me and Phi trained them til they got the higher ranker, but only Valt who got, except for the monkey boy and dragon boy.

Phi was now trained with his breathing alone at the outside while me helped them.

And now it's a night time, I was eating my favourite takoyaki that my cousin, Shasa, who cooked to me. Suddenly, I feel someone was hugging me from behind as I look at it....

It was Shu, he was making an innocent face and cling on me. I smiled. I met him since I trained with Valt at the training center.

After that, he came out nowhere and like to hang out with me. Luckily, Phi didn't in our estate.

"Hey, Shu. Aren't you supposed to sleep?" I asked, he let go and sat beside me.

"Mmmmmm." Shu hummed in respond. I guess he didn't feel sleepy. As I continued to eat, Shu tapped my shoulder as I glances at him.

"Huh, what is it?" Shu then opened the bamboo from behind, he took it and had a cute smiled on his face. My face heated up.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Shu said witn the simple word. I hummed.

"D-Do y-you love me?" I blinked many times and long silence.

"W-What do you mean?" Shu giggled innocent.

"Well, it mean...I love you, (Y/N). And you look just like my mother." Shu said and had a sad face. I feel pity on him as I hug him.

"It's ok, Shu.. and I love you too." I confessed as he hug me back tightly.

"Yeah, (Y/N) loved me!!" Shu said loudly, I blushed. I let go from the hug and shushed at him.

"Keep quite, Shu. Don't wake them up." Shu nodded as I wore him a bamboo on his mouth and tied it from behind. I stood up and so do Shu.

"Ok, Shu. Let's talk about it, ok." I was about to leave, but he hug my arm tightly to not letvhim leave. I look at him, saw he want to play with me again.

"Hehe, are you bored? How about we go to the main room and spend time with you?" Shu lifted up and nodded happily. I giggled until......

Phi was now in front of us with the mad look.

"(Y/N)!! Stay away from that demon!!" Phi said with the mad look. Shu frowned as he came to Phi and....,patted his head. Phi blushed as I giggled.

"H-Hey! Let! Me! Go!" Phi want to avoided Shu but Shu still wanna patted his head. Phi groaned and then give up as Phi let Shu patted his head again.

"Well, looks like Shu love pat your head, Phi." I smiled, Phi nodded slowly. After he patted, he went back to me and hug me. I was shocked at his reaction.

Phi saw it and also shocked at him and sighed. He know that Shu wanna me forever and don't want to let it go.

"Alright, demon. You can spend time with my sister. I'm tired right now. Good night, (Y/N)." With that, he left. I giggled.

"Ok, good night." Shu still hugging me and patted my head. I blushed again.

"Shu, I love you." I hug him back as he hummed again.

"Mmmmmm (I love you too, (Y/N)-chan)!!"


1187 words

Done!! Sorry that I made it kinda terrible and I hope you like it.


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