(Burst/ Season 1) Shu Kurenai x Sick Reader

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Hello! Another story I make today because I'm bored. So enjoy my story!


(Shu POV)

I was walking to the school earlier all by myself in the morning. I usually walked to the school with my best friend, (Y/N). But now, she isn't coming to school since 2 days ago, I wonder why. As I entered to the class, I'm the only one arrive in my class as I sat on seat and doing my homework.

30 minutes later, the class is almost start as I heard someone ran inside of the class, it was my bff, Valt. He always come late to the school, unlike (Y/N). Classic Valt.  Then a teacher came to the class and started doing a lesson.


End of the school

I was walking to my apartment as I heard someone approch me at behind. I looked at it and I saw Valt ran to me. Probably he want to ask me to join the beyclub. Then he's here for a minutes.

"Hey, Shu!" "Hey, Valt. It's something wrong." Valt panted from running and say, "Shu, do you know why (Y/N) doesn't came to school today?" "Why would I know, Valt. Why're you asked me?" "Well, because you and (Y/N) are being togather, right?" He said as I blushed about me and her.

"Don't be ridiculous, Valt. (Y/N) is my friend only." I said as Valt sly smile at me. "Really, Shu. Then why're you blushed?" "No, I'm not!" "Ok, ok, sorry." Valt said nervously as I sigh. "Ok, Valt. I need to go to my apartment because I have a homework." I said, actually lied because I want to visit (Y/N)'s house. Valt pouted, then he smiled. "Ok, Shu. See ya tomorrow." Valt left as I went to my aparment to make a carbonara for (Y/N).


Timeskip after Shu make carbonara

I finished cooking carbonara and I put it in the lunch box as I put it in the plastic and get ready to visit to her house. I'm on my way to the (Y/N)'s house. It doesn't so far from my apartment. To her house not so far as Valt's house. After I reached to (Y/N)'s house, I pushed the door's bell fkr a second. Then someone opened the door. It was (Y/N)'s mother.

"Hi, there. Are you (Y/N)'s friend?" She asked as I smiled. "Yes, I am." "Oh ok and (Y/N) is upstairs. She's resting now." I looked at her confused. "What's wrong? Is she ok?" "No, she's sick at her bedroom." She said and now I understand why she isn't coming to the school.

"Ok, thanks for telling me, ms. (L/N). Can I go to (Y/N)'s room?" "Yes, you can." Then, she letting me inside of her house as I went to the upstairs with a carbonara to give (Y/N) to eat. I found her room at the left as I knocked the door three times.

"Who's there?" I heard she asked from her room. "It's me, Shu. Can I come?"

(Your POV)

I was reading my story book while I sat on the bed. I got sick 2 days ago because when I went to my house, the rain is started and I forgot to bring my umbrella. And that's why I got sick. First I sneeze from the cold of the rain. Second, I got fevered more like 39.3 °C.

Then I heard a door knocked from the outside. "Who's there?" "It's me, Shu. Can I come?" OMG! OMG! OMG! My friend is coming to my house!  "Yeah, come in." Shu opened the door with a lunch box on his right hand as he sat beside me. I put the book at the night stand.

"Hi, Shu. What're you doing here?" "I came here because I want to know that you're sick." I stared at him shocked. How did he know that I'm sick. "How did you know that I'm sick?" "Well, your mother told me that you sick 2 days ago." No wonder he know about it as I look down because it's ashame that I make him worried.

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