(Chouzetsu/ Turbo) Shu Kurenai x Reader

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Request by WendyKurenai

Sorry that I publish so late because I'm helping my mom to take care of my younger brother and sister and also thanks for your request.



Normal (POV)  In Raging Bull

Every blader were practising their bey and doing their own except... the new owner of Raging Bull, Shu Kurenai, was doing his  many paperworks. After that, he's training with his bey, Spryzen. He always busy like usual but he always thinking of someone that he never forget..

(Y/N) (L/N)

Shu and her are close friend since (Y/N) joined the bey club ag Beigoma Academy. (Y/N) is not blader but she is a trainer ( just like Raul from BB Evolution).

(Y/N) is really like helping blader for them to get strong and give them some strategy.

Sadly, the beyclub heard that (Y/N) got move to (Country Name) where her parents were work at. With that, (Y/N) now went to airport with her parents as the bey club waved at (Y/N), with sad on their face.

(Y/N) waved at them back. Little did she know that a certain albino boy, was staring at her with frowned and sad face.

At the present      

(Shu POV)

I'm doing my paperworks and do many thing that I have settle to do. I always thinking of (Y/N). I kinda miss her, not have a crush on her. It's been 2 years since she moved and I hope that I will see her again.

At airport, Japan

(Your POV)

I finally arrived in Japan. My parents allowed me to give me a vacation because my parents were busy for their work while me on school holiday. I'm going to Beigoma so that I can meet my friend, Shu. Since I joined the bey club, he always like to hang out with me after I helped them train. I hope he'll be fine after 2 years, leaving Japan.

At Beigoma Academy

Finally, now I'm at Beigoma Academy, it gave my memory back when the bey club doing so much fun and battle for each other. Suddenly, an old man was coming to me from the outside of school. It was Principal Shinoda.

"Hello, (Y/N). It's been awhile." he said as I smiled at him. I have no idea principal still remember of me. I thought. "Nice to see you again, principal."

"How are you doing, (Y/N). How's the new school?" He asked me as I said, "It's fine, principal." "So what are you doing here? Looking to your friend?" I nodded at him. "Oh, I'm afraid your friend not here because they were working now." he said as I feel shocked that they already work.

"So, that mean, they not here?" I asked, with sadden face as he nodded. "Okay, then.... oh, do you know where Shu Kurenai was?" after that, principal answer, " Oh, I think he's working at Raging Bull, at America." he said and I stared at him eyes widened.

"Wait... really principal?" I asked him in disbelief. "Yeah, really." then I thanked to principal as I waved at him, then went back to the airport and went to America to meet Shu.

Time skip         (Normal POV)

As (Y/N) arrived in America, she went through the street to find Raging Bull. In the end, she finally found the location of Raging Bull as she entered it.

(Y/N) now search for him at the second floor. Just then, a boy with blond hair and a pair of red eyes asked at (Y/N).

"Hi, there. What are you searching for miss?" (Y/N) turned around to look at him and she said, "I'm searching for Shu Kurenai. Do you know where he is?" A banana boy's eyes widened after she said.

"You mean.... my mentor?" he asked while (Y/N) stared at him confused. "What do you mean?" "I mean Shu Kurenai is my mentor and my name is Fubuki Sumiye, I'm his student. What's your name?" he asked (Y/N).

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm Shu's close friend. So you're Shu's student." (Y/N) asked him as Fubuki nodded. "Can you show me where he is." "Of course, come with me." with that, (Y/N) followed Fubuki to Shu's place.

Shu (POV)

I almost done doing my paperworks so I can rest in peace. Just then, I heard someone was knocking the door as I said. "Who is it?" "It's me, Fubuki." "Ok, you can come in," I said as he came imside then behind him, I saw someone was waiting outside.

"Hey, Fubuki. What do you need?" I asked him with calm, then he said, "Shu-san, there someone want to see you." I confused what he talking about. Don't tell me that it was someone from behind Fubuki.

"Let it in." "Ok, you can come in." just then, a girl entered as I stared at her shocked. It was none other than my close friend, (Y/N). My cru- I mean my friend.

"Hi, Shu. Long time no see." she said with soft voice (A/N: Ulala~) and smile as I smile at her back. "It's been awhile, (Y/N)," I said as I told Fubuki to give us some privacy, then he left. I look at (Y/N) and said.

"I'm surprised that you came to see me, (Y/N)." I said with a little smirked on my face. "I know, I came to see you because I miss you since 2 years ago." she said with little blush on her face. How cute. Then I came closer to her face and kiss her on the cheek.

"I miss you too, (Y/N). Do you want to spent time with me?" I asked, with little red on my cheeks as she said, "I would love to, Shu." she smile at me as I smile at her back. In the end, me and (Y/N) were eating spaghetti carbonara and do the things what we do. I finally get spent time with (Y/N) and I never forget her again.


1045 words

Ok, that's all I have to write it. Next is "Shy Shu Kurenai x Reader" on Surge. It will publish on next time.


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