Hey guys! I'm back from school. So today I make this story before reopen because I have examination so I need to close it. After 1 week I open it.
Hope you enjoy!!
"What do you think...........Astral Spriggan? Spriggan was spark, it mean yes. "I can't wait to battle with you, (Y/N)." He smirked as he continue training. Tomorrow he'll find her all by himself.
(Your POV)
After I battle with a demon king, I went off from the gates of hell and I was about to go back to BC Sol. Oh yeah! I joined BC Sol 3 years ago after the International Blader Cup. So I guest I better take a break from battling.
6 hours later
I finally arrived to BC Sol as I entered, then I heard a beys were clashing at the training center. It must be someone was training. As I went to the training center and I saw many blader were training as usual and I look Valt was talking to..........someone. He has white snowy hair and I can't see his full face. I wonder what're they saying as I approch them.
"Hey, Valt." I waved at them as both of them look at me and Valt was smiling. "Hey, (Y/N)! Good you're home." Me and Valt make high five as I said. "Yeah, Valt and who was he?" "Oh, this is Shu Kurenai, my best friend since kindergarten." Valt said and point at him.
(Shu POV)
I was talking to Valt because I wanna know where (Y/N) was and Valt said she will come back after she battle with Bel Daikokuten. 6 hours ago, I was on my way to BC Sol because the other blader from my team said (Y/N)'s team is BC Sol since she was 13 years old. So I went to teh Spain and ask her to battle with me and ask her to join my team.
And now (Y/N) was coming back to her team and she saw us were talking. Then, she approched to Valt and say 'Hi' to my BFF as Valt says back to her and high five to each other. I kinda jealous and Valt introducing me to (Y/N).
"Oh, this is Shu Kurenai, my best friend since kindergarten." Valt said and he pointed at me as (Y/N) stared at me with a cute smile. My hearts is beating fast. "Hello, Shu. I'm (Y/N) (L/N). Nice to meet you." She gave me a hand to shake as I hold it and shake her hand and smile at her.
"Hi, (Y/N). Nice to meet you too." Then I let go of her hand and her hand was so soft. Wait........What am I talking about?! Stop it! "Hey, (Y/N). Can I talk to you for a while?" "Sure what is it?" Then I grabbed her arm and take her to the outside. I already said to Valt that I want to take (Y/N) and ask her to join my team. Well that's my choice.
At the beypark outside
(Your POV)
"So, what do you want to talk about to me?" I asked him. "I'm here to challange you to battle with me." He said with a serious expression on his face. I shocked at his comment. "Why'd you suddenly ask me to battle with you?" "Because I watching you from the news battle against a demon king and you won." He explained with me. So that's why he want to challange with me but I can't battle against him because he's legendery.
"No, I can't." "Why? Are you scare of losing the match?~" he smirked as I groaned at him annoying his smirk. "No, I'm not! Let's settle with this thing!" Shu smirked even wider and say. "Bring it on." Oh jeez he always smirk at me as I feel my heart beats is fast then I cool down and ready to battle with Shu.
Timeskip because I'm a bit lazy to write
(Normal POV)
After they battle, Shu won against (Y/N). It's 2-1. (Y/N) eyes widened that she lose against the 2nd legendery blader. She knew it from the beginning. Then Shu approch to her and gave her a smile.
"It's ok, (Y/N). Eventhough you lose the match, but you still strong for me. I think you're the best blader as I thought." (Y/N) look at him surprised at his comment. (Y/N) couldn't help but smile sadly at him.
"Thanks Shu. And I hope I can still battle you again." She said as Shu gave her pecked at her cheek. (Y/N) blushed. "Yeah, me too. And also........" then Shu hug her, (Y/N) was shocked as she hug him back, tightly. "I have feeling for you ever since I watched your battle and I can't help it." Shu confessed.
"I also feel the same way, Shu." She said as they let go from the hug. "Ok, let's gominside the training center. Valt must be waiting for us." (Y/N) nodded and they went back to the training center.
With Shu, he think he doesn't want to ask her to join his team because she already joined so he can visit her when he's not busy or something else.
As the entered, Valt saw them coming back from before and smile. Valt must think that Shu asked her to joined his team.
"Hey, Valt." "Hey, Shu. How's it going?" They bump fist and Shu whisper to (Y/N) about he want to talk with Valt alone as (Y/N) nodded agreement. She then went to the other were training as she ask them want to join battle with them. They agree.
With Valt and Shu
"So, do you asked her to join your team?" "No, I'm not." "Huh, why you sudeenly change your mind?" "Well, I can't tell your team owner to ask (Y/N) join and I think it's the best (Y/N) enjoyed your and her team." Shu explained to Valt as Shu looked at (Y/N) was training for fun at them and he smile at her. Valt smiled and nodded agrrement with Shu's decision.
"I think I'm in love with her/him."
1062 words
End of part 2 and I close this book for 1 week.

💖 Shu Kurenai x Reader One-Shot 💖
FanfictionThis book is ended and hope all readers enjoy to read this book.