(Chouzetsu/ Turbo) Shu Kurenai x Artist! Prankster Reader

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Request by DWTDfangirl.

I'm sorry that I posted it lately also this is more like fluffy.

Hope you enjoy!!!


(Normal POV)

"Hehehehe, this will be so much fun~" The (h/c) haired female said with the evil smirked because she was pranking with Shu's student, Fubuki two days ago.

And now, she was pranking on Shu is that.......

She pretand that she had a boyfriend in front of him. (Y/N) had a plan and asked her cousin, Free, to help her to prank Shu.

Also, that girl name is (Y/N) de La Hoya, she is Free's cousin and both of them are very close. Everyone thought they were like sibling.

She then met the crimson eyes blader since she joined and Shu interested on her that she is the most stronger blader, like Free. Shu didn't kniw about, lucky her.

After the moment, Shu feel hate and stressed that (Y/N) likes to pranked on him for a week and he can't focus on his work. (Y/N) is know as the prankster and she is also an artist, but not much.
(Your POV)

"So, (Y/N). You want me to be your 'boyfriend' in front of your crush?" Free asked with the dull eyes. I nodded excitement.

"Yes and I gonna show to him that you and me are couple, but in fake way." I said with the grinned as my cousin smirked at me.

"Sure, I would like that." I smiled widely. I love prank at the people. Free didn't stop me because he was lazy XD.

"Alright, Free. Here's the plan..." then, I whispered at his ear about my plan. After that, he agreed and I giggled evilly.
At the office

(Shu POV)

I was sitting for a long time after finished the stupid paperworks, make me feel very stress. The most the 'thing' that I stressed about is...

(Y/N) being pranked at evreyone again!! It's been a week since she joined, but luckily she is the stronger blader, if she not, I scold her.

I was relaxing in the silence office and wonder what she was doing. I heard she said her cousin came in this building for their family things.

"Oh, (Y/N). Why can't you stop pranking everyone?!" I asked, she pranked me last time about she activated the thunder and it was my weaknesses.

I'm scared of thunder and it make my heart's very fast, but mostly gave me a traumatized. I also need to talk to her to stop pranking people

"(sighed) Well, I better check on her, if I found she's prank at people, I punish her." Then, I get up and walked off to search on her.

The truth is......I like her, even she is the prankster girl in this building, but she is also a special blader.


At the training room (That's where Free and you talked)

As I went in there, I saw...... (Y/N) was talking with....


What is he doing here?! Why did he talked to my girl- Wait why am I thinking?! I'm just like her, not love. I came closer to them and heard that......two of them were couple now...

My heart feel ached, this must be prank, right? But, I look at them, they were kissing for each other. I frowned at them and I leave them, quitely.

"I hope (Y/N) live happily with Free." Then, I walked back to my office.
(Your POV)

Me and Free were kissing to pretand that we were couple, but in reality we're not. Then, we let go from the kiss.

"Hey, (Y/N). Don't you think that's too much for pranking someone?" It hitted me, I know prank is always been fun, but I sonetime being guilty that I'm doing so far.

"I know, but it was fun, right?" Free just gave me a serious expression.

"Yes, it is. But you also can't do that very much or you'll never had a friends like you do when you were kid." Free said, he was right. I shouldn't do that as I smiled at him.

"Yeah, you're right, Free. Thanks for giving me an advise." Free chuckled.

"Well, mostly give you a lesson." My face turn to dissappointed.

"Yeah, anyway. I need to go to find Shu. See ya!" U waved at him as Free waved at me back. Then, I went to the office and explained everything to Shu.
(Shu POV)

I was reading my book at the couch with the sad face, until......someone knocked the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me, (Y/N). Can I come?" I sighed, what did she want from me?

"Yeah, you can come." She opened the door with the......guilt look. I stared at her with the cold look.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked coldly. (Y/N) look down and clenched the knuckle.

"......I.....I'm so sorry Shu." She said, my eye burrowed.

"Why're you apologise at me?"

"Well, I know that I prank you and the others for a week and I feel regret that. Also, me and Free aren't couple and he is my cousin." Everything is silence. Free is her cousin.

"Wait, don't tell that you-"

"Yeah, I'm (Y/N) de La Hoya, me and Free are like sibling after all and I make a plan to pretand that we were couple." She explained, I smirked.

"Oh  it's that so, huh." She nodded, I get up as I carry her in bridal style and rushed to my bedroom for do 'it'. She yelped.

"H-H-Hey, Shu!! P-Put m-me d-down!!" She sad with the blushed. I ignore her. We were now at my room as I throw her on the bed and I pinned her on the top. I smirked again.

"So, Mrs. Prankster is now regret huh. Why didn't you tell me that Free is your cousin?" She blushed again.

"Well.....i-it's the f-family problem, of course." Smirked even wider, but more like evilly.

"It's that so. I guess I need to punish you now, my love." I then kissed her passionately and then.....

I started make out with her and I gonna show to everyone that she is mine and no one.

'I hope you will stay in my room for a long day, (N/N).'
(Normal POV)

After Shu make out with her, Shu and (Y/N) sleep for each other on his bed and covered their body with their fluffy blanket.

(Y/N) panted from 'it', Shu smiled at her as he kissed at her forehead.

"Good night, (N/N)." Then, he fell asleep, hugged her tightly and she is now mine. Even she is the prankster.


1138 words

Done!! Sorry that I make you wait. Hope you like it.


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