(Chouzetsu/ Turbo) Brother Shu Kurenai x Depressed! Sick! Sister Reader

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Request by animesimp_211.

Thank you for the request. And this one is about reader dated with Shu's rival, Lui. Shu then mad at his sister until reader feel depressed and get sick so easily.

Hope you enjoy!!!


(Shu POV)

It's been 3 days that my dear sister went out and spend time with her friend. Oh yeah, my little sister's name is (Y/N) Kurenai and her age is 10 years old.

Her hair was (h/c) haired and her eyes are same as me but more lighter than my eyes. Speaking of my sister, she didn't tell me what's her friend's name.

I sighed, I will find out after I finish these paperworks. As I do the paperwork, I heard someone knock the door at my office.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, (Y/N). Can I come?" Oh, it was my dear sister, I smiled and said..

"Yeah, you can come, (N/N)." The door opened as my sister entered in my office with the happy smiled. I smiled at her back. (Y/N) went to me and hug.

"Hey, big brother." I hug her back and stroked her (h/c) haired.

"Hey, lil sis. How are you?" She let go from the hug and still smiled at me.

"I'm good and you, big bro?"

"Same goes for me. Anyway......" My smile faded and turn into a serious face. (Y/N) look at me with the innocent look.

"Tell me, where were you, (Y/N)?" She stared at me with the confused look.

"Well, of course I hang out with my friend." She chuckled nervously. I can tell she was lying at me and didn't believe her words.

"Are you sure? You're not lying at me, are you?" She nodded, I sighed. I don't want to pushed her.

"Alright, if you say so." Then, she went out from the office and closed the door. I still need to know who her friend is. I'll find out for tomorrow.
The next day (Your POV)

Yesterday, my big bro asked me who my friend is. Well, to be honest my friend, or my close friend is.... my brother's old rival, Lui Shirosagi.

He maybe jerk and mean, but he sometimes like to hang out with me when he didn't busy ir training hard. I met him since my big bro become Red Eye and big bro doesn't know about it.

All I remember is...... big brother said 'His doesn't have a sister and she is died'. I know brother Shu saying meant to get stronger, but that was to far.

I feel sad and big bro live me alone when he become like that, until Lui came to me and comforted me. I guess Lui doesn't seem so bad at all.

Back to present, I got a message from Lui and said 'Meet me at the park'. I replied yes to him and excited to go to the park. I hope big brother didn't notice me that I went to the park.

Little did I know that someone was following me, but I don't mind it and went to the park.
(Shu POV)

I was sitting on the bench at the lobby, and I saw (Y/N) went out from this building with the excited look. I quitely follow her and not let her know that I followed her.

As I walked, I saw she went to the park with someone. I didn't see it because it was too far from where I stopped as I come closer and saw.......

My rival!??!? My sister was hanging out with.....Lui Shirosagi?!! What's with her?! Why is she hang out with that shark flame?! I look at her...

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