(Burst/ Season 1) Neko Shu Kurenai x Reader

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Hello readers! I make this story for last and it's gonna be close because I want to continue to make story about 'Superheroes and Villains'. Hope you guys enjoy my last story.


(Shu POV)

I woke up from the sleep as I look at my phone. It's 9.00 but today is Saturday and that's mean I'm gonna training all by myself. I grabbed my towel to get shower and went to the bathroom. As I went it, I looked at the mirror........l.l I have a cat ears?! I shocked to see my cat ears are twitching. What am I going to do?! If I told them, they might freak out. I need to call Valt after shower.

After shower

Brrr! That water is so cold. That's weird, I usually showered feel normal. I guess I'm a cat now and the cat don't like being wet. After I wore my clothes, I called Valt. He said he will come to my house except for (Y/N). I don't want to make her worry about me and she's my crush since kindergarten. Then I waited for my bff come.


(Valt POV)

Shu called me and he said je had a problem. I womder what it is. I thought he asked (Y/N) for help him. Well, nevermind. I better go to his apartment. I already told to my mom that I habe to go to Shu's house.

At Shu's apartment

As I knocked the door, Shu opened it and I saw....he had a cat ears?! I shook my head and entered to his house as I look at Shu's cat ears are twitching. I really want to touch it. Then I asked him.

"Shu. Why do you have a cat ears?" Shu look at me panicked. "I don't know Valt! I just woke up like this!" He said. "So that mean.......you need to find a mate lover." I said with my great idea. Shu look at me facepalmed.

"Valt, what are you talking about? A 'mate'?" He asked. "It means that you need to ask your crush to break on your transformation." I explained. Shu surprised at my decision.

"But, what if (Y/N) can't help to break my neko form?" "You need to be patient and I'm sure (Y/N) can help you." I smiled. "Ok, then." He said as his ears still twitched as I patted his cat ears. Shu purred slightly and b.ushed appear on his face. So cute! Then, Shu stopped purr and back away with a blushed. I giggled as he glared at me and growled like a cat. He must be embarrassing about I patted him.

"Grrrrrrrrr......" he growled at me like an angry cat as I stay back. "H-Hey, Shu. W-What's wrong?" I asked, scared on my faced. Shu used his cat's sharp claw about to scratch on my face. "Grrrrrrrrr......meow!!!" Then I ran away from him as Shu chased me like a cat and mouse running. I ran around my house. I better called (Y/N). I need her help.


(Your POV)

Finally! My homeworks are done. Now I can take a break as I rest my head on the table. Then I heard my phone is ringing on my study table. I groaned as I took my phone and I look...it was Valt. I don't know why he called me as I answered it.

"Hello, Valt. Why're you calling me? I'm trying to take a break." "(Y/N)! HELP ME! I'M AT SHU'S HOUSE!! PLEASE CAN YOU HELP ME!!" He shouted on my phone, it make my ears are bleeding as I heard.... a cat, sound like it was scratching on his house. Then I sigh. I wonder where Shu was.

"Don't worry, Valt. I'm coming. Just wait there!" I ended call as I stood up from the chair and went to Shu's apartment. I already messaged to my parents that I'll be back for tomorrow. My parents said allowed me to stay at his house.


At his apartment

As I knocked the door, someone opened the door as I look...it was Valt with a cat's scratched on his face. I gasped at his face as Valt let me went to Shu's house and I saw....Shu is a neko?! What the heck?!

"Oh my god, Valt. It's that why you asked me to help you to deal with him?" I asked and pointed at neko Shu on the couch. Valt nodded. "How did this happen?" "I don't know, (Y/N). Shu said when he woke up, he had a cat ears all of sudden." He xplained as I awed the answer.

"So, how did we get to turn him back to normal?" "Oh, you're the one who must help him." He said as I look at him disbelief. "Why not?" "Because you're Shu's crush." He cooed as I blushed. I shook my head and said...

"Ok, Valt. You can go back to your house while I'm tak care of him." I said as Valt nodded and left. I sighed. I looked at Shu, his tail is wiggling. I giggled at hi cute attitude. Then I sat beside him and patted his cute cat ears. His ears are twitching and purred. I think he like it as I feel want to hug him.

"Ok, Shu. Let's go to your room." I said as Shu meowed agreement as we went to his room. I sat on the bed while Shu put his head on my lap and purred again. I blushed again as I hug him and patted on his head. He purred cutely. I chuckle as I yawned. I feel sleepy then I sleep on his bed while Shu sat beside me and hugged me. I smile and said...

"Good night, Shu and.... I love you." I mumbled. I hope Shu isn't know it when he in neko form. I closed my eyes in deep sleep.


(Normal POV)

The next day, (Y/N) woke up from the sleep as she stood up and look at her crush.... he is now turn back to normal again. (Y/N) felt realives that he is normal now but she kinda miss his cute neko form as (Y/N) wake him up. Shu groaned and looked at her smiled.

"Hey, Shu." "Hi, (Y/N). What are you doing? And where's Valt?" "Oh, I think Valt is already left and I'm came here because I need to help you to break that neko form." I said as Shu.... hugged me all of sudden. I shocked as I hug him back.

"Thanks, (Y/N). For helping me to turn me back to normal self." He said as (Y/N) smiled. "You're welcome, Shu and also..." "What is it?" She realised from the hugged and (Y/N) explained to Shu about he accidentally scratch on Valt's face since yesterday. He shocked and he want to apologized to bff as he called Vakt to come here. Valt said he will come.

"Hey, (Y/N)." "Yes, Shu." "As for you helped me back to myself from neko, I'll make a carbonara for you, sounds good?" He said. (Y/N) accepted his offered that she like carbonara. "Yeah! Totally!" Then, Shu make a carbonara to his crush, including Valt he make as an apologized. As they eat, Valt arrived at his house and Shu said to Valt to eat carbonara together. Valt agree and eat it happily. Both of them giggled at Valt's eating carbonara as they eat carbonara together.


1301 words

Ok, that's all I have to write and I'm gonna close this book and continued to make 'Superheroes and Villian'.

Shu: When you gonna finished the prologue on your new book?

Me: Maybe today..

Shu: Oh ok. Hope you like my story, dear readers❤❤

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