(God/ Evolution) Cold Red Eye x Snake Pit Blader Reader

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Hello readers, I'm back from drawing examination and I wote this about Red Eye being cold-hearted person but not always. Also he want ask reader to challange with him.

Shu: Hope you enjoy the story, dear readers♥️♥️

Me: Hey, that's my line!!

Shu: Why not, Shira😏. Enjoys!


(Normal POV)

Red Eye a.k.a Shu Kurenai is the cold-hearted person in the Snake Pit and he likes challange with other bladers. He also destroyed every beys for someone get in his way. Even he revenged for his old rival, Lui Shirosagi. He remembered that Lui attacked him with his bey, Luinor and it hit at his right eye. And that's the reason why he became cold.

In the Snake Pit, there's a female blader among the masked blader, its name is (Y/N) (L/N). She also known as (E/C) Eye and she is kind, strong and helper blader, even she trained them to get stronger, including Boa. (Y/N) doesn't like Red Eye because he's rude and cold toward her. Red Eye want to challange (E/C) Eye but she disagreed. He never give up until she accept.


(Your POV)

I was walking to find Boa because Ashtem said he want me to train with him ever since Red Eye like trained all by himself. How selfish. As I reached to the training room, I saw Boa was sitting all alone with his bey, Ark Balkesh, I sighed as I sat beside him quitely.

"Hey, Boa." I greeted as he turned to looked at me. "What is it, (E/C) Eye?" He asked while he looked down. "I came here because I want to battle with you." I said as I looked at him, his eyes widened.

"You're sure, (E/C) Eye?!" He asked disbelief. I nodded. "Alright, let's go. I've been waiting for this." He stood up and went to the beystadium as I went to it as well with my bey and launcher. "You ready, Boa?" I smirked as Boa steady with his launcher and smirked back. "Yeah, I'm ready." Then we launch our beys as Balkesh take the centre. My bey attack at Balkesh.

"Now, (B/N)! (S/M)!!" In the end, Balkesh burst finished as Boa eyes widened and he calmed down. "Wow, you're strong, (E/C) Eye." He smiled as I take my bey and smiled. "You too, Boa." "Next time, I'm gonna win for sure." He warned. "We'll see." I said as Boa take his bey and left from the room. Then I sat down and deink some water.


(Red Eye POV)

I was walking through the room to find her because I want to battle with (E/C) Eye but she is not accept. But I never give up until she accept my offer. As I walked passed by the room, I saw Boa was walking and his face was sweating on his face. He must be battle with her. Without thinking, I approched him, Boa stopped amd looked at me confused.

"Boa." I said coldly. "What is it, Red Eye?" "Do you know where (E/C) Eye is?" I asked. Boa pointed at the training room. I passed by him and went to that room. As I knocked the door, I heard a female voice from that room.

"Who is it?" "It's Red Eye." I said in deep voice as she opened the door and let me inside the room. "What do you want, Red Eye?" She asked, little harsh with a crossed arms. I smirked. "Isn't it obvious, I want to challange you-" "Red Eye, I already told you that I won't accept your offer. I'm out of here." She cut off my sentences and about to get out. I'm mad as I grabbed her wrists, harshly, and pinned her to the wall.

"So, you're still going not accepted my offer, (E/C) Eye." I said very cold and gripped her wrists more. She winced in pain. "L-Let m-me go, Red Eye!" "Not until you accepted my offer." I gripped her wrists again as she groaned. "O-Ok, I accept your offer." I smirked, finally, as I let go of her wrists.

"Alright, let's settle this thing." Then (E/C) Eye take her launcher and her bey to get ready to battle as I'm doing it as well. "3! 2! 1! Let it rip!!!!!" Our beys now were spining. My bey, Legend Spryzen, was speeding very fast and want to attack (B/N). I smirked.

"(B/N)!! (S/M)!!" Her bey now attack Spryzen, but it didn't burst. (E/C) Eye growled as I smirked even wider. No bey can defeat Spryzen. "Now, Spryzen. Axe Launch!!" Then Spryzen hit her bey and then....it burst. She gasped. I finally won against her. She's not as strong as me.

"Now you losed, (E/C) Eye." I said evilly as she take her bey and went out from the room without sayinb anything. I won but..,why do I feel so empty. I kinda....feel bad toward her. I guess I've to apologized to her about earlier. Without thinking, I followed her to her dorm.


(Your POV)

I was walked away from him and went to my room as I sat down on my bed. I sobbed quitely that I losed and he won like he always win in many time. And now I can't win against him. I opened my masked and wiped my tears as I heard the door knocked.

"Who is it?" "It's me, Red Eye. Can I come in?" He again. What did he want? Then I said yes to allowed him to entered to my room. Red Eye sat beside me. I don't care what he want to talk about.

"Hey, (Y/N). Are you ok?" He asked. My eyes widened that I forgot that I opened my masked. "No and how do you know my real name?" I asked as Red Eye.....hugged all of sudden. I shocked at his reaction.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I know you because I already know about your information about you. And also I want to challange you because I thought you're stronger than the other blader but I was wrong. But don't worry, I'll help you to get stronger just like me." He explained. I surprised amd tears went down from my eyes as Red Eye realised from the hugged as he wiped my tears.

"Also, I'm being cold because I revenged for my old rival, Lui Shirosagi. And I hate him that he make a scar on my right eye." He said. I feel bad for him.

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't know." I said sadly. Red Eye smiled. "It's fine, (Y/N). It wasn't your fault." Then he hugged me as I hugged him back. "So, (Y/N). Do you wanna become my student?" He asked as I reply happily. "Of course, Red Eye." "You can call my real name." "Oh alright........ Shu Kurenai."


1202 words

Me: Ok, done

Shu: Wow, that's fast. What are you doing while this book close?

Me: I'm doing my homework of course

Shu: Oh, ok then. Hope you like my story, dear readers😘😘

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