(Sparking/Surge) Shy Shu Kurenai x Popular Reader

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Request by Free_Derahoya
Thank you for your request and I'm sorry that I make you wait for so long.

Hope you enjoy this story.

Normal (POV)

"V-Valt! I-I told you I-I c-can't confess (Y-(Y/N)!" a shy albino boy, Shu Kurenai, said, blushing madly because he had a crush a popular girl, (Y/N).

(Y/N) is the most popular blader in Japan and also popular student Beigoma Academy. (Y/N) always got top on her class icluding become a champion in Japan after she beated Lui. ((Y/N) is the stronger than Lui) And that's how she become popular. Many fanboys like her and ask her to a date or go out, but she rejected them. (Just like Shu)

Shu (POV)

"I know you can do it, Shu. Trust me." Valt said with a smile on his face. I ask Valt want to help me to confess (Y/N). I have crush on her since (Y/N) study at Beigoma Academy. She also a blader and even she can beat Lui on the tournemant.

"B-But Valt, w-what if she never l-like me back." I said shyly. "Aww, come on, Shu. I know you can. Just tell her how you feel and how much you love her." Valt said with excitement. Now I think about it, that would be a good idea.

"Alright, Valt. I'll do it." "That's the spirit. Do you best." then me and Valt fist bumped each other. With that, I went out from Aoi's bakery and find (Y/N).

At beypark       

Your (POV)

I was training with my best friend, (R/N) on 100th round. In the end, (R/N)'s bey is burst then I almost fell exhausted than someone caught me from behind me.

"Are you okay?" it said, sound like a male with soft voice as I get up all by myself and turned to look at him. It.....was......Shu Kurenai, the 2nd legendery blader in Raging Bull. What's he doing here? Then I said.

"I'm fine. Thank you." I smiled at him. Then I notice he was blushing. I giggle at his attitude. "What are you doing here, Shu?" He then stare at me and cool down and he said

"I-I c-came here and a-ask y-you t-to e-eat l-lunch w-with m-me." Shu stuttered as my eyes widened. Shu Kurenai want to ask me to eat lunch with him?!

"I would like to, Shu." he stared at me shocked then he calmed down and ask, "A-Are you s-sure, (Y/N)." "Yeah, 100% sure." then he smile and grab my hand, was about to leave, then I said to (R/N).

"Hey, (R/N). Me and Shu want to eat lunch and thanks for the training." I said to her. "Ok, no problem and goodbye (Y/N). I hope you enjoy with him." with that, she left as Shu still holding my hand and drag me to somewhere else.

Shu (POV)

As I hold (Y/N)'s hand, I bring her to the restaurant, where the place with romantic thing and the delicious food. After we arrive the restaurant, (Y/N) and I ordered our food and eat it. I really happy that my idea is worked and then I will confess her.


Normal (POV)

After they eat their lunch, Shu and (Y/N) were walking with a silence, then (Y/N) speak, "Hey Shu, Thanks for eat lunch with me. It's so delicious." Shu blushed at her comment and smiled at her.

"Sure, (Y/N). No problem and......" "What is it, Shu?" (Y/N) look at him confuse as he take a deep breath and said. "And I just want to say.........I..........love........you.....(Y/N)." he confessed as his face blush as red as his eyes. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as she come closer to Shu and kiss his cheek. Shu's face very red than before.

"I love you too, Shu." "R-Really (Y-(Y/N). I-I t-thought y-you-." "I never hate you, Shu. I love you ever since you become the best blader." after (Y/N) interrupted him, Shu smiled and suddenly he hug (Y/N) tightly.

"I love you so much, (Y/N)." (Y/N) then hugged him back and said, "I love you too, Shu. Always."

Bonus   Still Normal (POV)

Valt secretly hide in the bush then take the picture at their new couple.

"Yes! My ship had sail. I know you can do it, Shu." with that Valt leave them alone with the silence and secretly fanboying at Shu's and (Y/N)'s picture of them were hugging each other.

790 words

Thanks for the request, Free_Derahoya. Hope you like the story and...



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