1K Special🎉 (Sparking/Surge) Jealous Shu Kurenai X Reader

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Hi every readers. Thank you for liking my book and I decide make this story from my idea.

Also this kinda have half lemon

Hope you enjoy!!!


(Normal POV)

After the Ultimate Tag Series, everything was fine including Lane Valhalla. He's good guy now. It's all thanks to the owner of Raging Bull, Shu Kurenai. He had helped change Lane on the final match and free from the flare.

But someone doesn't know, except Lane, that Shu had a girlfriend, who always help him when he's busy. It was (Y/N) (L/N), a blader of Raging Bull. She joined Raging Bull ever since she was 12 years old. And now she was 15. Both of them met after Shu turn back to normal from become Red Eye.

The most (Y/N) dislikes about Shu is when (Y/N) talked to the other guy or being closer with them, Shu's being protective with (Y/N) when a guy very closer to her. (Y/N) doesn't know Shu being jealous and protective for (Y/N) from the guy, except Shu's friends.


(Your POV)

I was walking to the training room to find Lane because I need a training partner. I'm doing this very quite to not letting Shu know about it. As I arrived to the training room, I found Lane. He was feeding with his cute hedgehog, Harry. So cute! When I came to him, Harry didn't hissed at me since I met him joined this team. Then Lane looked at me.

"What are you doing here, (Y/N)?" He asked. "I came here because I want to training with you. If you want it." I said nervously as Lane smirked at me. "Ok, then. Beat me as much as you can but you can't defeat me." He mocked at me as I galnced at him angrily. It's true, Lane is stronger than me.

"Alright then. Let's see who is the strongest blader in this team." I really want to challange him. He smirked even wider. I know that he strong guy. "Yeah. Let's do this." After that, Harry sat on the chair for watching our battle as me and Lane launch our beys.


(Shu POV)

Finally! My paperworks are done. Now I need to find (Y/N) because I want to spent time with her and watching movie night with me. I love (Y/N) and also she's not a weak blader eventhough she can't passed by me. I hope she doesn't talk to the other guy. Otherwise, I'll teach her lesson and make out with her.

As I walking all the way from the office, I heard a beys were clashingfrom the training room. I eavesdroped at the door so no one know it as I look from the door and I saw (Y/N) and........Lane?! Why did he want to battle with her?! Or maybe (Y/N)? I look at it again, they're battling. I guess I won't bother them.



(Normal POV)

Lane won the match as (Y/N) satred at him shocked that she lose against him. But for (Y/N), she didn't care about winning or losing, she just like play beyblade for fun. Then (Y/N) dashed to Lane and hug him as Lane surprise at her actions while Harry look at them confused. With Shu look at them were hugging. Shu glared at them like Red Eye and his eyes are glowinb red.

"I'm so proud of you, Lane! You changed!" (Y/N) said happily as Lane sweatdroped at her reaction and embarassing from the hug. "Thanks, (Y/N). Just .et go of or else Shu might to see us." Lane warned as (Y/N) shocked that she almost forgot about her boyfriend as (Y/N) rea.ised from the hug.

"Oh, sorry Lane. I forgot." (Y/N) chuckled nervously and scratch her head as Shu entered with an angrily face and dark aura around him. (Y/N) shivered and Lane look at him confused what's going on with him.

"Lane Valhalla! Why're you hugging my girlfriend!!!" Shu scolded at his student as Lane shocked at his comment and said, "Hey, Shu! It wasn't my fault who hug (Y/N)! It was (Y/N)!!" Then, Shu make deathly glared at (Y/N). She scared at his attitude.

"Ok, thanks for your explaining, Lane. You may leave." Shu said coldly with a straight face on. Lane and his hedgehog went to the outside as Lane thank to (Y/N) about the match last time. (Y/N) nodded as Lane left. "And you, come with me." Shu grabbed her arm, not that harsh but it still hurt, and went to his bedroom. (Y/N) doesn't know what he was thinking.


In his bedroom, Shu pushed (Y/N) on the bed as he pinned her with both of her hands. (Y/N) blushing as she was struggling to get free herself. Shu gripped her hands tightly from the struggle. Then Shunlet go of her hands as he started make love bites and hickies. Shu kiss her passionately. (Y/N) moaned.

"S-Shu, p-please s-stop it." (Y/N) panted from before as Shu say, "Shhhh, (Y/N). Don't ruin our moment." Then he makes out for a long night.


The next day

(Shu POV)

After I make out with my girlfriend, I slept beside her with a cover a blanket and our bodies are naked. As I looked at her cute sleeping face, I smiled at her and I hope she's not mad at me about that. Just then, (Y/N) woke up and so do I. (Y/N) look at me embarassing about last night.

"Shu, you know you don't have to do that. That was close that I put a pill in my body. You know that!" She said, kinda angry as I chuckle at her reactions. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm just jealous thatbyou hugged my student and I can't help it." I said look down, think that she'll never forgive me. I snapped my thought as I look at (Y/N) was hugging me with a smile.

"It's ok. I forgive you and don't be jealous too much, ok." She warned as I nodded and I hugged her. "I love you, (Y/N)." "I love you too, Shu. Can I go to your bathroom because I want to take a shower?" I smile at her. "Sure thing, (Y/N)."

Then (Y/N) took a towel and goes to the bathroom as I waited fkr my girlfriend finish. I smirked about last night. 'I can't wait for to do that again after we become true couple.' I thought.


(Normal POV)

With (Y/N), she was showering while thinking about that last night. 'I won't make Shu jealous ever again.' She thought and continue shower.


1157 words

Hope you like my story and if you don't mind that I don't like the lemon part so I skipped it.


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