3. -Fiat & Art-

379 30 45


I'm frozen. I can't move or breathe. Not now. Not like this.

Mint places her hand over her belly protectively as Art stares at it.

"Art, this is Mint. As you can see she is very pregnant with my grandchild."
My mother says and I break out into a cold sweat.

Mint reaches her hand out to Art and he slowly takes it.

He turns her hand over to stare at the huge diamond.

Mint smiles, "Do you like my engagement ring?"

Art's gaze slowly lifts to meet mine and suddenly it's only us in the room.

We stare back at each other as a million questions, unspoken truths, and lies swirl around us.

I watch as tears break free of his lashes and roll down his face. My heart breaks.


My skin begins to flush and my heart races pounding feverently against my chest as if it wants to escape. I can't breathe.

Fuck, I can't breathe. I step back and nearly fall over.

I right myself and slowly back out. I turn and race away.
I can't breathe, I can't breathe. I need air.

I race towards the elevator and bang on the button, it doesn't open. I race to the door leading to the stairs. I take the steps a few at a time. I can't breathe.

I trip and fall hard onto my hands and knees. I can't breathe.

I pull at the collar of my shirt ripping the buttons as a gasp for air.

My hand finds my chest as my heart beats frantically against my fingers.

Suddenly, he is beside me.

"Art? Art? Are you hurt? Did you fall?"

"Can't ....breathe." I mutter between gasps.


Art is gasping desperately for air.

I recognize it.

"Art you're having a panic attack. You need to calm down and breathe through your nose."

He reaches up and takes hold of the railing. He pulls himself up moving towards the landing as he struggles to breathe.

He stumbles but I grab him, holding him up.

I take hold of his chin. "Baby you have to breathe through your nose and out of your mouth. Like this." I demonstrate, showing him how. I breathe slowly into my nose and out of my mouth.

His complexion is completely flushed and his face is wet. He pushes at my chest trying to free  himself as he struggles to take in a real breath.

After a while I know this isn't working.

I force him against the wall of the stairwell and turn his body. He attempts to fight me as he gasps but he is weak. His body trembles uncontrollably. His legs give out and I hold him up.

I push him flat against the wall as I tug at his collar.

I hold him firmly and bite deeply into the nape of his neck.

I sink my teeth in slowly. His pulse beats rapidly against the tip of my tongue. He inhales deeply and his body goes limp.

I release him as he falls against me. His head lulls back and I know he is unconscious.

Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Promise BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now