71. -Art & Fiat-

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"Wake up baby." He whispers before gently trailing kisses against my face.

I inhale deeply and his warm smell invites me.

I slowly open my eyes to look at him.

I'm laying flat against the bed with my face against the mattress. He kneels beside the bed the moment I open my eyes his smile is the first thing I see.

Is it fair for someone to be this handsome in the morning? Probably not but I'm just happy he's mine.

We stare at each other for a few minutes before he speaks.

"Happy Anniversary my love."

I lift my hand and gently stroke my index finger against his cheek.

I am so in love with this face. It's the same face my son has.

"Happy anniversary baby." I tell him and he leans in to kiss me.

I don't move I simply enjoy the smell and taste of him.

He kisses me all over my face. What a perfect way to wake up.

He leans back to look at me. "Are you sleepy."

"A little."

"You can sleep some more. I'm going to go to the office for a few hours."

"You don't want me with you?"

"I always want you with me. I just want you to rest if you're tired."

"What time will you be back?"

"After I leave the office I have a few errands to run. I'll get ready at the hotel but a car will pick you up and delivery you to me for dinner."

"That sounds complicated."

"I want you to have a good anniversary."

"You don't have to try so hard."

"Why do you say that?"

"You don't have to go out of your way because you feel guilty. We could of just done a friends dinner here and then tomorrow we can go together to the courthouse. I told Mint I would witness."

He takes a deep breath. "I know I did wrong with this schedule. But I still want to celebrate my Art. It's just dinner baby, is that too much?"

"I just have a feeling it isn't just dinner. If it was we could just go to work and then go out to dinner. You don't have to go all out just cause you feel guilty. Don't feel guilty."

"It isn't because I feel guilty. I just want to celebrate my baby. Let me. Why are you being difficult?"

"I don't mean to be. I just didn't know that I wouldn't feel like celebrating."

"Because of tomorrow?"


"Are you sad?"

"A little heartbroken. I'll get over it."

"I know I don't deserve to ask. But will you humor me anyway?"

I take a deep breath, "Yes baby."

"I thought you might feel this way. Clover and Gear will be over later."


"Friends Versary Spa day."

I take a deep breath before rolling over onto my back.

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