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Over the years Fiat has inquired as to why I like being hurt.

I never truly answer, not because I don't know why but because I don't want him to blame himself.

The truth is he is the reason. It started that night the night light went out and I woke in the dark. How he held me and reassured me so tenderly. I never imagined it was the start of something.

-Our Fourteenth Year-

Fiat invites himself to spend the night under the guise of studying. I don't say anything but I know he doesn't want to sleep at his house while his parents are away on business.

"Art?" Fiat whines.


"Explain it to me one more time." He asks as he flutters his eyelashes at me.

"Again?" I ask.

"Pretty please." He begs as he leans toward my face.

I pick up the textbook and go to turn the page when it glides against my finger cutting me.

I hiss from the sharp pain, I look as it already starts to bleed. I go to step off my bed but Fiat grabs my wrist and pulls me.

Before I can even think to stop him he takes possession of my bleeding index finger and slips it into his mouth.

He sucks gently for a moment and pulls it out.

He inspects it.

"Already it stopped bleeding. Wait here, I'll get the first aid kit." He tells me as he stands straight up onto my bed and steps around me.

He disappears from my room and I stare at my finger that was just inside his warm mouth.

A moment later he returns. He sits beside me on the bed and opens the kit, he first pulls an alcohol pad.

He holds my hand carefully, "This will sting a bit." He warns as he glides the pad against the cut.

It stings but I hardly notice as he brings my index to his lips and gently blows for almost a minute.

His eyelashes flutter as he peers up at me with furrowed brows.
"Does it still hurt Art?"

It didn't but I nod slowly.

He reaches into the kit and retrieves the Neosporin, he takes a small dab and smears it onto my cut with such care it nearly breaks my heart.

He returns the tube of Neosporin to the kit and takes a band aid.

He wraps my finger and kisses me softly against the bandage.

He holds my hand in his lap as he places his hand against my cheek.

"You have to be careful." He tells me and I nod.

"Does it feel better?"

"Yes, thank you."

"It's just a band aid." He says sweetly as he lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses my palm.

"You aren't allowed to get hurt anymore or I'll punish you." He whispers.


He smiles, "If you get hurt, I won't kiss you anymore."

That was only a bluff. I hurt myself quite often after that just so he would care for me. And he never stopped kissing my booboos.

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