8.-Fiat & Art-

419 30 76

A/N: Play song when you see the roses.


He stares at me for too long. Just blinking.

"Can I get you anything?" I ask

He blinks.
"When can I leave?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"And then what?"

"Then I'll give you sometime."


"Until I miss you too much again."

"Then...you will kidnap me again?"

I nod.

"Until, what your child is born? Your wedding?"

"There is no end date to me owning you."

He blinks at me.
"You're fucking deranged."

"Maybe, but I'm your problem. I will never allow you to break the promises we made."

He glares at me. "You already have."

My heart aches, "Art, let me kiss you."

"Can I leave if I do?"

"There is no scenario in which I allow you to leave me. But please let me kiss you."

"Please don't."


"Because I don't want to kiss you. Kiss Mint."

Suddenly there is a knock at the door and he visibly flinches.

"Come in." I call.

"Can you help me? I have stuff in my hands." Mint says through the door.


Fiat walks over and opens the door, and Mint steps in carrying a serving tray.

She smiles warmly at me.

"I bought drinks and snacks for you both."

Fiat rushes to take the carrying tray from her hands.

"Don't be silly, I can do it. Where shall I put it?"

"On the bed is fine." Fiat says.

It seems for a moment he is going to guide her but looks from me to the door and decides to wait by it.

Yeah motherfucker I was sure as hell about to run.


Mint places the tray on the bed and turns to me.

She smiles, "I didn't know what you like to drink or eat. I brought a few things. It's really yummy. But it's only a pre dinner snack. Dinner will be more yummy."

I blink at her.

"I really wanted to apologize to you." She says with furrowed brows.


"For the day in the office, when we met. I didn't know it was you."


"Fiats person."

I blink at her. "Person?"

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