22. Fiat & Art

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{A Short Guide to Kink}

Name: Fiat
Sign: ♏️ Scorpio
Role: Whipped Dominant/Top
{On occasion Tops from Bottom}Not to be confused as versatile.

Whipped- an emotional disadvantage

Dominant- Leader, Master. Takes pleasure in dominating and pleasuring Submissive.

Turn On's:
-Intense Intimacy
-Funishment(Any pain the sub finds pleasing)
-Bratty Seduction
-Mr. Art
- Domination
-Oral Stimulation

Turn off's: Sub Maso Brat disrespecting Hard limits.

Hard Limits: Any physical contact with men; this includes placing anything on Subs person. Also flirting and not establishing clear boundaries.
(Exceptions for physical contact include Normal appropriate family affections. I.e Father, Steel, Jay, Gear)

Fiats Love Language:
-Quality Time
-Physical touch
-Acts of Service
-Gift Giving

Name: Art
Sign: ♓️ Pisces
Role: Submissive/ Bottom Masochist Brat
{On occasion Bottoms from Top} Not to be confused as versatile.

Submissive- takes pleasure in yielding and being sexually obedient to Dom.

Masochist: derives pleasure in intense erotic pain.

Brat: Naughty, seductive,
Challenges Doms Turn off's and dislikes to gain Funishment.

Turn On's:
-Intense Intimacy
-Being Worshipped
-Being Branded
- Torture Play
-Being Bound
-Being Gagged
-Loss of Control
-Challenging Dom
-Mr. Wolf

Turn off's:
Loss of Attention
{i.e Not being constantly fawned over by Whipped Dom. Prone to challenge and pout. Possible tantrums}

Hard Limits: Another catching the eye, attention, or affections of Whipped Dom.

Arts Love Language
-Words of Affirmation
-Quality Time
-Physical Touch
-Acts of Service

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