49. -Art & Fiat-

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- Art-

Fiat is in a terrible mood. I don't bother asking why. He lounges in bed on his IPad while I wrap up the photo order. Every few minutes I turn to look at him.

After I finished with the photos I stare at him for a while but he doesn't even look up to face me.

By no means do I believe sex fixes everything. But I have observed two things. Sex either fixes 100% of things or nothing at all.

Does that make sense? Nope.
But please purchase that anyway cause I'll sell it in a heartbeat.

**I wonder if this makes any sense at all. Maybe not but it popped in my head. And the logic is sound to me.😂😂

I get an idea and head to the closet to retrieve a belt.

I locate the belt he used on me and place it between my teeth. I kneel down and crawl out of the closet.

He doesn't look at me at first as I crawl on all fours over to the bed.

When he does look up he immediately smiles and my heart flutters. I crawl over to his bedside. I sit on my legs and blink up at him with the belt between my teeth.

"What are you doing?" He asks me.

I blink.

He takes the belt from my mouth.

"Play with me please." I say sweetly.

"Play how?"

"Do anything you want to me. Preferably with that belt."

"You haven't done anything."

I tilt my head, "I have been perfectly good?"

"Ha. You are never perfectly good."

"Then take it out on me until you feel better."

He takes a deep breath and places his IPad aside. He leans forward.

"Never." He says inches from my face.

"Pretty please."

"I can't, not unless you misbehave."

I pout at him and in response he shakes his head.

I smile sweetly as I stand.

Misbehave I will then.

I take a breath and walk over to our dresser. I slowly open the first drawer and peer inside.

"Did I ever thank you for always folding and putting away our laundry?" I ask him.

"You notice?"

I turn to look at him, "Of course I notice. Thank you baby." I say sweetly.

I grin to myself as I open the drawer and scoop all the neatly folded clothes out. I toss them onto the floor.

I look to Fiat. "What are you doing?"

"Spank me." I order.

"For tossing a drawer? No."

"Hmm." I say as I open the next drawer. I scoop it all out and toss it onto the floor.

He sits back on the headboard and goes back to his IPad.

Fine. I open the third drawer and dump that too. He doesn't even look at me.

I lean down and pick up handfuls of folded clothes and start tossing them around the room. I pick up a bundle and jump onto the bed. I toss them into the air as I hop on the bed around him.

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