63. - Art-

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When I return to our room about an hour later he still hasn't moved. I place his bowl of pasta and glass of water on the night stand. I stroke his hair and lean in to kiss him but he doesn't stir at all.

I pout at him as I sit beside him and eat his dinner. He never sleeps this hard definitely not this early.

After a while I miss him so I burrow under the blanket and start to shove my body beneath him.

He groans, "No."

"No what?" I whine.

"I'm too tired."

"I miss you. You went to bed too early."

He laughs and wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close.

"You smell so good." He says as he nuzzles into my neck.

We fall asleep wrapped as one as we inhale each others scent. In a place outside the world in our own realm beneath our blanket.

I'm glad we had our moments of owning our small world just him and I because pretty quickly it would be harder to escape there.

It felt as if the baby shower was the start of that. We all built Fiats nursery together. Painting it, putting together the furniture and placing all his toys and clothing. Every moment spent and every item built with love.

When it was finished I couldn't help but cry he would be here soon. This is his room this would be where he would grow up.

Finally the moment arrived. Of us our family packed into a hospital waiting room so nervous we could barely speak.

Gear takes my hand in his, "Are you scared?"

"Terrified." I admit. I'm completely on edge.


"You aren't going to say anything?"

"Art, I'm way out of my depth and so are you. I feel like terror is appropriate. You are now responsible for the life of a little human. That is insane."

"Hmm. Thanks for that."

"You welcome."

Clover rests her head on my shoulder. "Don't be terrified Artbug. You are so up for the job. You'll be amazing."

"It's time." I hear Fiats voice and look up. I hadn't even seen him come in.


"For us to meet him." He says as he reaches for my wrist. I let myself be pulled from my seat. Fiat quietly guides me from the waiting room and down the hall while my heart beats rapidly.

We stand in the hall across a window. The nursery is filled with two rows of brand new humans.

I see the cradle marked Fiat and I feel sweat on my brow.

Fiat pulls me towards the glass door and knocks.

An older women in scrubs comes to the door and pushes it open for us to enter.

She smiles warmly, "Both of you please wash your hands in the sink behind you."

Both of us take our time with the task making sure to get beneath our fingernails well.

We dry our hands and turn back to her for further instructions. She smiles with sympathetic eyes.

"That was very thorough hand washing. You two seem nervous. Don't be. We will be taking him back to mom shortly for his first feeding. You may hold him while we make sure she is up to it. Good luck daddy." She says to Fiat.

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