48. -Art & Fiat-

405 21 17


I pour myself my forth cup of coffee while Fiat, Steel, and Jay discuss boring things in his office.

Ugh, I need to find something to do here. I am bored to fucking death. I brought my laptop and started the layout for the photo book but even that bores me. I drink my coffee as my eyes skim the office.

As my eyes travels around the office it stops on Sonia and a chill runs down my spine. She is staring daggers at me from across the cubicle area.

I place my hand over my heart and it is indeed racing. What a creepy fucking b-

All of a sudden she turns and disappears inside her office. Jeez, no wonder Fiat is such a fucking creep.

My phone starts to ring in my pocket and I quickly pull it out. Fuck! Mommy.

She's the scariest of all Moms. I already didn't pick up the last few times she called if I deny her call there's no way she isn't putting out a bounty.

I take a deep breath and answer it, "Hi Mommy. I miss you a lot."


I take a deep breath, "Fine, I miss you a normal amount."

"Why haven't you called me back?"

...Umm, I was quarantining?"

"Are you asking or telling me?"

"Is it believable?"

"How is that believable? Does your phone have Covid?"

"No." I whine.

"The truth please."

I stare towards Fiats office and feel myself sweating this lady scares me to my core.


"Yes Mommy?"

"Are you going to answer my question or do I come find you?"

"I'm answering. I took your advice I'm trusting my friends."

"Oh, Fiat and you made up?"

"Huh? What makes you think that?"

"Are you with Fiat?"


"You're lying. Ok, I'll talk to Fiat."


"Because I raised a liar. But you know what's most disappointing? You're a terrible one."


I gasp and look at my phone. My mom has no loyalty.

What the hell is going on?


"Anything else?" I ask looking to Jay and Steel.

"When are you proposing?" Jay asks.

"I meant work." I say frowning.

"Who cares. When are you proposing?" Steel says.

I take a deep breath and sit back in my chair. The smile that I can't shake returns.

"I am, I'm just not totally sure how yet."

"Did you ask him what he might like ?" Jay asks.

"I tried but he is still hurt about me marrying Mint. I didn't dare push, he would have gotten suspicious."

"Why are you waiting? Just tell him." Steel says.

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