82. -Fiat & Art-

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Where is Art?


Even after all this time?

Don't run baby even when it's hard I quietly plead.

My mother steps inside the conference room and the door shuts behind her.

Deep down I answer my own questions. He's hiding. He is afraid. He is somewhere freaking the fuck out.

I take a deep breath as my gaze travels around the room.

My mothers cold distant stare attracts me and in a second I feel her disdain. She stands in the back of the room with her arms crossed.

I take a deep breath and disregard her piercing stare. I know she's upset I didn't keep her in the loop but to be frank I didn't see a point. It's not as if she's ever on my side or actually helps me.

"Thank you all for being present. I'll get right to the point.
I'm sure all of you have been following the news and papers. Please be advised that all the stories besides our printed interviews are not the truth.
There was no affair and even though outsiders were not privy to the news Mint and I have not been engaged since around the time that Art started to assist me in the office.

The bottom line is  all three of us involved are very satisfied with how things ended up. I hope that you will accept this as the truth and as my staff you won't lower yourself to the spreading of malicious gossip. Instead I invite you to rejoice in our engagement........

I'm relieved I was able to wrap that up quickly so I can catch up to Art.
I step into my office and he flinches to his feet from my desk chair while wiping at his face.

I walk over slowly, he doesn't have to say anything I feel as though I can piece together everything.

I take his chin in my hand to take in his flushed expression and red eyes.

He looks so sad but I can't help but be disappointed.

I sigh in frustration as he pulls away to get a Kleenex from the box  at the edge of my desk.

I already know what to do. I step out of my office to speak to Ling.

"Reschedule all my meetings to after lunch."
I instruct before returning to my office, closing the door and locking it.

Art busies himself as I walk over to take my chair.

I sit and watch his anxious movements.

"Are you ok?" I ask him as he sits my unopened mail and letter opener in front of me.

"Fine. Open your mail." He orders and I take the command for what it is. He wants to change the subject.

I take a deep breath and push my chair back.


Arts head snaps up at the word. He just blinks at me for a whole minute.

"Kneel right now." I command.

His big brown eyes blink rapidly as he is obviously caught off guard. He falls in line and walks around the desk before slowly lowering himself between my legs.

I give myself a few minutes just to study his face. He is so beautiful it makes me ache inside.

I lean forward in my chair and take hold of his chin.

"Tell me. Now." I command.

" I...I just got anxious."


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