25. -Fiat & Art-

502 26 17


He peers down at the perfectly crispy Grilled cheese.

I lean in and kiss him on his head.

"Eat it all."

"Yes sir." He mutters as I take my seat across from him.

He picks up the first half and takes a bite.

He instantly smiles and moans.

"It's good?" I ask.

He places his fingers against his lips as he slowly chews and swallows.

"So good, I missed your grilled cheeses too much. Thank you." He smiles sweetly.

My heart flutters.
You're welcome baby.

"Are you ready to return to work tomorrow?" He asks.

"No, but I am the CEO."

"You never wanted to be."

"Yeah but my father entrusted me and my mother needs me."

I watch as he takes another bite.

"Are you ready to start at my company tomorrow?" I ask.

He looks at me confused, he quickly swallows.

"What do you mean?"

"You promised not to leave my side for not a single moment. You go where I go."

"To do what?"

"Exist around me. Make every moment bearable."

He studies me before slowly nodding.

"Your mother says you have to go home and play happy family."

"Ok easy enough."

"I'll stay here and I'll meet you at the office every morning." He says with sad eyes.



"You can't stay here."

His eyes go wide, "You're kicking me out?"

I frown, "You kicked yourself out. We will revise the Apartment contract. It's your place it always was. But that's not what I meant. You are not permitted to leave my side. Everywhere I go you go." I reiterate.

"To your family home?"

"You're my family home. Be with me always, sleep beside me every single night."

"Your mother won't like any of that."

"You are not negotiable. Also, you're wily. I can't take my eye off of you for even a moment."

"Then don't. You're so right. I don't know how to act. I need your constant supervision."


"That too."

I smile, my brat is so adorable. He lifts his sandwich and takes a big bite. He slowly licks the cheese from his bottom lip and moans.

Instantly my body reacts.

I quickly stand. He looks up at me with furrowed brows. "Where are you going?"

I just peer down at him for a moment.

I want to kiss him, badly.

I take a breath, "Bathroom. Eat up." I say turning and swiftly leaving the kitchen.

Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Promise BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now