47. - Fiat-

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The moment I enter our bedroom and close the door behind me I take a breath. Milo didn't relent for another three hours.

I hear the shower running as I turn and drop myself onto the bed. My throwing arm is sore.

A few minutes later Art walks out of the bathroom. He is completely naked while drying his hair with a towel.

He looks around, "Where's Milo?"

"In the kitchen with Mint, she distracted him with ham while I hid the ball."

He smiles, "Better burn it."

My eyes travel the length of his body. "Come here." I order.

He looks at me and groans, "I just showered."

"Is it broken? shower again after."

He takes a deep breath, "I still need to finish sorting the first batch of photos."

"I won't cum inside."

"You're lying."

"Fine, I won't even stick it in. Just come here."

He groans and walks over to the bed.

"Yes sir?"

"Come here."

He moves to crawl over me. "Reverse." I say halting him.

"Ok." He says as he steps straight up onto the bed, he turns and places his leg on the opposite side of me. He settles onto my waist and immediately goes to work pulling out my dick.

When he has finished without warning I scoop him and place him over my face.

"Whoa, warn a person!" He says as I taste him.

Pretty quickly I feel his body tightening from arousal.

I stick my tongue in and he moans for me. I wrap my arms around his thighs firmly.

I groan as I eat him up.


My hips start to move slowly as I ride his face.

"That feels too good." My dick is rock hard.

After a few minutes I resign, "Fine you can fuck me."

He groans, "Nope."

"What do you mean no?"

"I just want to do this right now."

Hmmm k.

He sticks his tongue deeper inside and I shudder.

The sounds he's making are driving me insane. I reach for my erection and  touch myself.

I watch his dick intently. My favorite vein that runs up the right side pulses under my gaze.

He groans against me as his grasp tightens around my thighs.

A bead of pre cum expels and my mouth waters.

The moment I decide to taste him I watch as he reaches for his own erection.

I bite my lip and watch him touch himself.

"You could fuck me." I say again as he slurps me.

"It's hot knowing I can, and not letting myself."

I get that.

I lean forward and slowly run my tongue against his hand. He immediately halts his stroking. I lick the side of his thumb while I move up to the tip of his dick.

Unrequited? A Lie Told-A Promise BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now