15. - Art & Gear-

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*Bam! Bam, Bam , Bam, Bam , Bam!

Fox and I nearly leap from our skins at the sound of loud banging at the door.

Both of us halt at the top of the stairs.

"The police?" I say looking to him.

"Did you do something illegal?" He whispers.


Bam! Bam! Bam!

"Art! Get your ass out here and open the door!"

My eyes go wide, Clover?

"Art!" She yells again and I literally leap down the stairs.

I quickly open the door.

Gear and Clover both stare at me with crossed arms and flared nostrils.

"You swore to pick up your phone." Clover starts.

"I do."

"We have been calling since yesterday." Gear says.

"Oh, it's dead somewhere." I offer.

Clover and Gear exchange a glance and turn back to me.

"What are you doing moron? I haven't seen you in over a year. You aren't going to hug me?" She says scowling.

I smile. "Of course." I say as I wrap my arms around her neck.

"I missed you too much." I tell her as I reach over and pull Gear into our hug.

"I missed you too, both of you." Clover says.

I pull away and take both their hands pulling them, completely forgetting I still have company inside.

"I'm sorry I didn't answer my phone. What are you doing here?" I ask.

Clover starts to answer when her gaze lifts to the stairs.

Gear looks up and I turn to see what they are looking at.

Fox slowly comes down in nothing but swimming shorts.

Ugh, Fuck.
Everyone I know has terrible fucking timing.

They both take him in as he approaches to stand beside me.

Clover blinks from Fox to me and raises her eyebrow. She looks to Gear, they both seem to have an unspoken conversation before turning back to Fox and I.

"What is this?" Clover asks.

I smile awkwardly, "This is Fox. He lives next door."

"Why is he coming from upstairs then?" Gear asks.

"Half naked?" Clover adds.

"Uh, umm. Oh. We were..talking?" I offer.

"And where are his clothes?" Gear asks.

"I was swimming." Fox says.

"Where? In Arts bedroom?" Clover asks.

Gear clears his throat, "Mister, can you put your clothes on?" He says scrunching  his face.

"Yeah, and after kindly return yourself to your place of residence...Sir." Clover says rudely.

I feel my ears turning red. I rub at my temple.

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