58. - Gear and Art-

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I pout the entire way to the kitchen.
He always makes a fuss about this.

I'm not intentionally not eating it's just really easy for me to lose my appetite. I don't fight him though it isn't really worth fussing about and I don't want to worry him further.

He scoops me up and places me on the island.

"How would you like your eggs?" He asks as he positions himself between my legs.

"Scrambled is fine."

"Only fine? If you want something else we can order."

"Scrambled eggs are good."

"Stop looking so sad. I really hate it."

I learn forward and kiss him against his neck. "Take me from behind then."

He takes hold of my arms and pushes me back.

"You are swollen. Let's take a break."

I groan, "You don't know that."

"It has to be, I practically bore a hole last night."

"I'm fine."



He shakes his head as he slips his hands under both my knees and begins to lift my legs.

I lean back onto my arms and watch keenly as he holds my legs up while he ducks down. He licks my asshole and I wince.

He licks gently soothing it but he is very fucking right. My asshole hurts.

Satisfied he has proven his point he comes up to look at me.

"Told you." He says as he turns and opens one of the kitchen drawers to retrieve something. He closes the drawer and turns to face me with the first aid kit.

He places it beside me on the island and opens it. He takes the small tube of aloe and squeezes some onto his finger.

He lifts my right leg and places it onto his shoulder as he massages the cool aloe onto my swollen orifice.

Immediately it feels so much better and I moan.

He pulls his finger away and in an instant I realize I'm turned on.

"Inside too please." I tell him.

"Ok. It will hurt a little." He tells me as he picks up the tube and squeezes more out.

He places his free hand on my thigh of the leg that rests on his shoulder. Why does that feel so nice? I ask myself as he peers down at my asshole concentrating on his task.

The moment this finger enters I wince once again.

"Owww." I whine.

"I know baby. I'll be done in a second." He tells me as he pushes his finger deeper inside. It aches but I'm relieved after a moment as the cool aloe swiftly goes to work.

"Hmm. It already feels better."

He pulls his finger out slowly and smiles. "Good. Maybe we'll be able to use it again later."

I smile at his statement.

"What?" He asks.

"You are just too cute sometimes."

He scoffs, "Never as cute as you my little elf." He says as he lifts my leg from his shoulder and glides his tongue against my inner thigh.

"Hmmm." I moan as he gently begins to suck.

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